Tom: Thanks, Gary. You’re listening to Search the Scriptures Daily, a program in which we encourage everyone who desires to know God’s truth to look to God’s Word for all that is essential for salvation and living one’s life in a way that is pleasing to Him. We are continuing our discussion of Dave Hunt’s latest book Judgment Day! Islam, Israel, and the Nations.
Dave, before we start talking about chapter 10 of your book, will you give a brief overview of the book for those who have joined us, perhaps, for the first time?
Dave: In a couple sentences, the book lays out this proposition: Israel is the number one topic of the Bible. The Bible says more about Israel than about anything else, even the Messiah. It makes prophecies about Israel. God makes promises to Israel. The world is defying Him, so we suggest that if what the Bible says about Israel is not true, then every synagogue and every Christian church ought to shut its doors and admit that this is a fraud. If what the Bible says is true, the leaders of this world, the political leaders, religious leaders better shape up to what God says, or they are heading for heavy judgment, and that’s where the title of this book comes from: Judgment Day. And God says—we point this out at the very beginning—God says in Joel:3:2I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.
See All...: “I am going to punish all the nations of this world for two things: they have scattered my people everywhere…” This is anti-Semitism, been going on for centuries. But then God says, “…and they have divided my land.” And that has never happened until our generation. I say “my generation,” within my time.
Many nations have conquered Israel in the past. A conqueror doesn’t divide up a land, but it happened in the ‘20s, the ‘30s—Britain was given the mandate to see that this place called Palestine became the national home of the Jewish people chased all over the world, and they betrayed the Jews. They let in Arabs, they kept out the Jews, they gave most of the land away, and finally they gave most of the land away to Arabs, almost two-thirds of it, to make the nation of Jordan.
And finally, UN Resolution 181, November 29, 1947, it’s called the “partition of the land.” The nations of this world united to divide this land, to make their pronouncement of the division of this land that God had given to Israel, and Israel ended up with 13 percent of the land that the world had originally promised them in the Declaration of Principles, the League of Nations, 1922, and God is angry.
Now, every peace proposal since then, what’s it based upon? “Israel, give them back more land. Give them back more land.” We just forced Israel to get out of Gaza, for example. So the whole basis of the dealings of the world with Israel is “Israel, give them more land. Give them up. Divide this land. Give it away.”
Who are these people who call themselves Palestinians? We deal with that in the book. They are not Palestinians. That is a myth, it is a fraud. They claim to be Arabs, descended from Ishmael. Ishmael was Abraham’s first son, no doubt about that. So they say his descendants, they should have this land. Well, but who was Ishmael? His father was a Chaldean. His mother was an Egyptian—Hagar the Egyptian. And when Abraham and Sarah, his wife, and Hagar, her maid, and his servants arrived in Canaan, it was the land of Canaan, not the land of Palestine, it was already settled by other people. So the descendants of Ishmael, whose father is a Chaldean, his mother is an Egyptian, they arrived in this land long after it was originally settled. There was nothing about Palestine or Palestinians. They could hardly call themselves Palestinians, and Ishmael’s descendants finally began to get their identity as Arabs in the Arabian Peninsula far, far from Israel, and far from any place called Palestine.
We explain about Islam, because it is Islam that unites these nations against Israel. That’s the prophecy in Zechariah:12:2Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem.
See All...: God says, “I’m going to make Jerusalem a cup of trembling to all the nations round about it when they are in the siege against Judah and against Jerusalem.” Well, all the nations around Israel had never been united against Israel in the past, but in our day—again, these are prophecies for our day. Nobody can refute it. You cannot deny it. The world better take notice and better obey what God has said, but all the nations surrounding Israel are united against it. Israel had many enemies. The Egyptians, the Babylonians, the Assyrians—you can name them. Never, ever were they united. Today, all the nations around Israel are united against her. What is it that unites them? Islam! So then we explain Islam, what it is. Islam is a pagan religion. It’s not something that Muhammad came up with; Allah is not the God of the Bible. Allah is a contraction of Al-Elah. Elah is a generic word for God, and yet people today say, “Oh, there’s no generic term for God.” Every Arabic translation uses Allah for God.
So, Tom, it’s just…it’s just staggering. It’s incredible. How are you going to put Allah in John:3:16For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
See All..., for example? “For Allah so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son…” But the Qur’an says Allah is not a father and he has no son, all right? But is there a generic word for God? Of course there is. Elah—it’s all through the Qur’an. So Allah is a contraction of Al-Elah. It means the chief god. Allah was the chief god in the Kaaba, about 360 idols—many different gods. They had a god for everybody that might come passing through on a caravan through Mecca. So all Muhammad did was he said, “Allah is not the chief god, Allah is the only god.” And he smashed all the idols, and he said, “Anyone who does not worship Allah is to be killed.” But he kept every pagan ceremony involved in the Hajj—that is, the annual pilgrimage to Mecca; going around it seven times; kissing the dark stone; touching the stone in the yemeni corner; running between Marwah and Safa, two mountains; going through Wadi e Mina where there are three rocks that represent Satan, throwing seven stones at each one of these rocks, where Muslims get trampled to death almost every year trying to do this. Everything the Muslims have practiced for centuries before he was born, he kept as part of Islam. The only thing he changed was Allah, instead of being the chief god, is the only god, and “You either worship him, you either submit to him and to Muhammad as his prophet, or we kill you.” Period. That’s it. Okay?
Ramadan, which—every president honors Ramadan. They have a dinner, a feast in the White House at the end of Ramadan, and President Bush has called it this “holy holiday.” He’s called the Qur’an “God’s Word, Muhammad a prophet,” and so forth. These are all lies. This is an abomination to the God of the Bible. Allah hates Jews. The God of the Bible is called the “God of Israel” 203 times.
So we explain: How did this land of Israel come to be called Palestine? In 132 AD, the Romans, who had destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD, began to rebuild it as a pagan city dedicated to Jupiter. They started to build a temple to Jupiter on Temple Mount. Of course, it upset the Jews. There was an uprising. It was successful to begin with, but the Romans brought in more legions and about a thousand villages were slaughtered. About 500 thousand Jews were killed; many escaped. There was a diaspora. Many thousands were sold into slavery, and in anger, the Romans renamed Israel Provincia Syria Palaestina. From that time, anyone living there was called a Palestinian. Who lived there? Jews. You chase them out, they come back: “This is our land.” Okay?
So in World War II, for example, the British had a volunteer brigade in their army called the Palestinian Brigade. Who was in it? All Jews! No Arabs; the Arabs were fighting on Hitler’s side. In fact, Tom, one of the endorsers of this book, we sent it to him, and he couldn’t put it down. He read it in one sitting—amazing. Shimon Erem, one of Israel’s most highly celebrated retired generals, he was in the volunteer brigade, the Palestinian Brigade back in those days! There was the Palestinian Post—that was a Jewish newspaper; the Palestinian Symphony Orchestra, a Jewish orchestra; and the Jews were called Palestinians. And we quote in the book [that] leading Arabs up into the ‘50s—1956, for example, Ahmad Shukeiri, testifying to the United Nations, says, “There’s no such place as Palestine. Arabs, we’re not Palestinians! Those Jews are Palestinians! Palestine—that’s a Zionist invention!” That was 1956. 1964, eight years later, Ahmad Shukeiri became the founding chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization.
They lie. They change their tune. They rewrite history, and the world accepts it. And—I’m sorry, I shouldn’t say it—but I get angry, because this lie then becomes…and the lies of these people that they are descended from the original Palestinians who inhabited this land, their proof is that they’re descended from Ishmael is a total fraud. But that becomes the basis for the so-called peace that the world is imposing upon Israel.
Tom: Well, there’s a synopsis for you, folks, and this is our 17th week on this particular subject, and I think it’s very important. We’ve got a number of chapters to go, but as you said, we just want to inform our listeners as to what’s going on.
For a number of years now (I mean, it goes way back, as you articulated), there’s been myths, there’s been outright lies, deceptions with regard to what has taken place in the Middle East, and we think that Judgment Day certainly will inform people about what is going on.
Dave: It’s very simple: the Bible is either true or false. If it’s false, shut down this radio program, shut down every church and every synagogue. If it’s true, you better pay attention to what it says, because Israel is the major subject, and God made promises to the Jews: This is their land, and the world is defying Him.
Tom: Dave, in terms of misinformation, you give so many examples in Judgment Day, and they’re really stunning. For example, in chapter 10 (that’s where we are right now) you give an example of then-president Jimmy Carter giving a speech encouraging peace in the Middle East, and in it he quotes a verse from the Qur’an that supposedly supported the belief that Islam was a religion of peace. This is the ongoing lie that we hear over and over again.
Dave: Right. Tom, he brought together Anwar Sadat of Egypt and Prime Minister Menachem Begin of Israel, convinced Israel to give back the Sinai to Egypt to make peace. It never belonged to Egypt. Israel has given back 95 percent of every piece of land that they ever took. They took it in self defense against an enemy that has sworn to exterminate them. Nobody else does this. You don’t give land back, but Israel has done that, and he wanted to give a talk about peace; he wanted to quote a verse from the Bible and a verse from the Qur’an about peace, and his speech writers searched and searched and searched the Qur’an. They finally found one verse, and that’s the verse you want to read to us.
Tom: Yeah, this is Surah—surah simply means chapters—Surah 8:61: “But if the enemy inclines towards peace, do thou also incline toward peace, and trust in God.”
Dave: Well, Tom, we need to explain that there are 114 surahs, and every one of them has a title. The title of this surah is “Spoils of War.” It is all about fighting and killing to take over the world.
Let me give you some of the verses right around that. Verse 65 says, “O prophet, exhort the believers to fight.”
Verse 67 says, “It is not for any prophet to have captives until he hath made slaughter in the land.” By the way, that was a revelation he got from Allah when he wanted to just kill an enemy of his that he had captured in attack on a caravan. This is how Muhammad began his career—attacking caravans, killing people, stealing, taking everything, and so forth—and the man was from…he was one of the leaders of the Quraysh tribe in Mecca. And he said to Muhammad, “You know, we Quraysh [and Muhammad was one of the Quraysh as well; that’s where he was raised] we Quraysh, we don’t kill our enemies.” Muhammad got a revelation from Allah, supposedly—this is at v. 67: “It is not for any prophet to make peace until he has made slaughter in the land,” and that was his justification from Allah for killing, and “off with his head” it was.
Surah 8 is all about slaughtering people, making war. But now it says, “Well, but if your enemy surrenders and they want peace, you give them peace.” That is the only verse that Carter’s speech writers could find in the Qur’an about peace.
Now, there are 429 verses in the Bible, and any Christian could begin to quote many of them: that Jesus made peace through the blood of His cross; “…having peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ”; “…the God of peace will keep you,” and so forth. But peace in Islam is submission to Allah, submission to the prophet Muhammad at the point of a sword.
Tom: Dave, on September 13, 1993, Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat signed the Oslo Declaration of Principles, which call a mockery of the League of Nations, going back to 1922 Declaration of Principles, and Israel officially recognized Arafat and the PLO.
Dave: Well, that was because he wrote a letter to them. Now, you understand Arafat is, or was—he’s dead now—he was the worst terrorist the world has ever seen. The PLO held all the records, and we’ve gone over that: the most people killed in airports; the most hostages taken; not just four airliners down, 40 of them that the PLO took out.
So anyway, this terrorist that should have been killed—Sharon, who was the general in charge, would have killed him in Beirut, but President Reagan said, “No, no, no, let him go. Let him go…”
Tom: Talking about Arafat.
Dave: …talking about Arafat. And then Arafat wrote a letter to Rabin. He promised to be a good boy; he promised not to do any more terrorism. And on that basis, the basis of this promise (and he has never kept one promise yet; even the Arab world does not trust Arafat), Israel is forced to trust Arafat and to have him its partner in peace because of the pressure from the UN, European Union, United States, and so forth.
And so he was accepted as the representative of the so-called Palestinians. He was not voted in by the Palestinians, he took this upon himself as a terrorist. In fact, the Palestine Liberation Organization was not founded by a Palestinian. It was founded by Gamal Abdul Nasser, an Egyptian in Cairo in 1964. Arafat took over as the head just by force of arms, and he became the spokesperson for the Palestinian people, so-called, and he entered into the Oslo Accords. Now, what was the fruit of the Oslo Accords? So Israel took Arafat on as official representative of the Palestinian, so-called, people and their partner in peace.
Now, what was the fruit of the Oslo Accords, because this was the basis of this whole “peace process,” so-called, that’s been going on ever since? Well, in the 10 years prior to Oslo, about 200 Israelis had been killed by terrorists. In the 10 years following Oslo, about 1,200 were killed and more than 5,000 were wounded. That’s peace?
Tom: Dave, we’ve been talking about how the media seems to be blinded to all of this, but every once in a while, something does come up. I noticed that the London’s Daily Telegraph in 1996 called the whole Oslo Accords a hoax.
And, Dave, 2004, in November, we have U.S. News & World Report editor-in-chief Mortimer B. Zuckerman—he writes: “Yasser Arafat may be dead, but Arafatism lives on. This is the crucial fact amid all the talk about resurrecting the ‘roadmap to peace.’ Arafat’s principle legacy is hate, his gift to the world a kind of terrorism whose techniques have been [unintelligible] from Indonesia to Iraq. Arafat used every platform, radio, TV, newspapers, the mosques, schools, even summer camps for kids to inculcate a hatred of Jews, Israel, and the West. The Palestinians who mobbed his coffin represented as much the hate he had fostered as grief. Yet even when he broke his promises, the Clinton administration refused to hold him accountable while the hundreds of millions of dollars he received to improve life for Palestinians were diverted to support a terrorist network. The fatal flaw of Oslo was that violations of Palestinian obligations provided the rationale, not for rebuke, but for more concessions. If George Bush holds Palestinians accountable and takes the long view, he could become not only a war president, but a peace president, too.”
Dave: Zuckerman is terrific, Tom, in my opinion. He really lays it out as it is.
Tom: One of the few.
Dave: One of the few. I wish that President Bush would take a realistic view, and how is he going to do that? He’s going to have to go by what the Bible says, because as long as he violates what the Bible says—he claims to be a Christian; studies the Bible, so he says, on his knees, or on his face before God every morning. Well, I don’t know why he doesn’t get the right answer in his prayers. Well, part of it is because his advisors believe in replacement theology and say that the church has replaced Israel. But if he doesn’t follow what God says, he is leading the United States and the world into judgment.