Letters | thebereancall.org


TBC Staff

Dear Brothers Dave and T. A.,

I'll start out with the end of a verse, Esther:4:14: "...you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this." Maybe it's a little out of context, but we fully believe you both were saved and called into the Lord's service to minister to us suffering saints at the most crucial time in the history of Christianity....Thanks to your ministry, bold and fresh and outspoken, we have "weapons" to thwart the enemy's attacks....Thank you so much for doing what you're doing.... G & DP (PA)

Dear Teacher in Christ,

Greetings...in the Holy Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I do thank you for the TBC newsletter of June 2010 on "Cosmos, Creator, and Human Destiny." [It] was more than educational and informative on the subject....We came to know about occultism in Christian movements...from what we learn in the...newsletter....Thank you...I am with you all in prayers. God bless you. RN (Kenya)


Not enough space here to thank brothers Dave and Tom plus staff! Was once a Roman Catholic, now a born-again believer! Thanks be to God for His grace and mercy! The "TRUTH" never changes and He is faithful!...We have much to be thankful for and to share with a lost and dying world. The other day I stopped at a gas station and was looking around. There were police in there and [I] was wondering what was going on. The girl behind the counter asked if I was lost. I told her that I was saved! That opened up a great conversation and she wanted to take a gospel tract from me. Praise the Lord! God bless! WS (WI)

Dear Dave,

Thank you for the wonderful job that you do in producing the newsletter. I have learned so much from reading it over the years and look forward to each new issue.

I have been incarcerated for about 20 years now, and the Lord has been faithful in every way--always looking out for what is best for me. Recently I enrolled in a Christian pre-release program....Some of the curriculum is great and [is] really encouraging growth in all of us, while other parts are somewhat questionable, in my opinion....One of the books that seems to bother me is titled Celebrate Recovery Inside, a supposed Christ-centered recovery program based on the Beatitudes....My problem is that it seems to embrace a lot of secular psychology....It is similar to the twelve steps of AA but only has eight steps....Wouldn't it be better to reflect on Christ and to grow in the grace and knowledge of Him than to spend the rest of your life working the steps of these programs? We are being told that recovery is a life-long process. To me, getting to know Christ more through the Word and our day-to-day experience of walking in dependence upon Him...seems far more beneficial than doing these inventories of your whole life....CL (CO, prisoner)

Dave, T. A., and Staff,

I have read your newsletters and books for over 15 years. I am now purchasing this book [Cosmos, Creator, and Human Destiny] for myself as well as [for] my 17-year-old daughter who is heading off to college next year and wants to be prepared for the onslaught of ungodly teaching that she will endure in her "education." Thank you for the time and effort you put into this ministry. God has used it to bless my family. CO (TX)


I would like to send a thank-you message to Dave Hunt for writing What Love Is This? I cannot express how relieved I am to have found this book, and I would love to be able to tell Mr. Hunt how much I appreciate it. CF (email)

Dear Tom,

I am shocked by your "Christianity Today's Anti-Christianity" article [8/10]. The selections you quoted from Mark Galli are horrendous and revolting. It is virtually impossible to believe this garbage is featured in Christianity Today and written by the magazine's senior managing editor. To refer to a perfect, righteous, and holy God as "the crazy uncle in the family"[that] you'd like to "avoid having to introduce" is absolutely unacceptable and deplorable. Galli likens God to an insane person and repeatedly disparages Him throughout the article. Christianity Today should fire Galli and ask for forgiveness from the Lord for their waywardness. JP (email)

Dear Dave,

I praise God every time I think of you. Thank you for your loyalty to God's call on your life and your example of true Christian love. You are indeed equipping the body for what is to come and your work must make God smile! God bless you and Berean Call.BR (AZ)

Dear Mr. Hunt and Contributors,

I ordered a book through Amazon. This apparently came through The Berean Call. I have been receiving your newsletter ever since. Serendipity for me! I have moved often, across several states, and your newsletter always finds me. I love how you address modern Christian movements with sound scriptural doctrine. I save and file these for reference. I am grateful that I get this newsletter! TS (email)

Dear Dave & Tom,

I really appreciate your publishing those occasional extras by Mark Dinsmore. He is right on target in his view of the Christian Patriot movement. No other movement in Christian America is gaining so much ground so fast among conservative Christians as that one, and Dinsmore's critique, while perfectly scriptural, is rarely heard. I really appreciate your willingness to publish those views that are so poorly represented elsewhere. You can find other articles that say what Dinsmore is saying if you search for them on line, but few people are searching for them. Your putting them in your monthly print publication will introduce many such to a perspective on this modern-day zealot movement that they will not find elsewhere. SB (MI)