In his Friday sermon on October 25, 2024, at the [New York] MAS Staten Island Center, Imam Tareq Allan discussed the virtues of Jihad and the importance of understanding its values. He highlighted how, in times of tribulation, good and evil can be misrepresented, with genocide portrayed as "good" while Jihad is characterized as "terrorism." Imam Allan emphasized the necessity of having a burning desire for Jihad in one's heart and being willing to sacrifice for the sake of Allah. Even in non-Islamic countries, where armed struggle is not be applicable according to Islamic law, he urged Muslims to continue the struggle by spreading Islam.
He also stated that anyone who dies without having fought for Allah's cause, or at least having the intention to do so, risks dying in "one of the valleys of hypocrisy." Finally, he reminded the congregation of Allah's promise that Islam will ultimately spread to every corner of the Earth and prevail.
Tareq Allan: "It is important for us to remind ourselves of these values of jihad. Why? Because during times of tribulations, many times the truth can get distorted, evil can be portrayed as good, good can be portrayed as evil, genocide is good, jihad and defending your land is terrorism. So it is important to remind ourselves of these values, even though armed struggle, by consensus of the scholars, does not apply to a Muslim living in a non-Muslim country.
"You are living safely today here in America, who is to say that your situation will not change in the next ten years, that you will not be living in a circumstance or situation where jihad will apply to you.
"The Prophet said that Allah will spread this matter of Islam to all the corners of the Earth, and Allah will not leave a single house except [for which] this religion will enter it, through honoring those who deserve honor through Islam or humiliating those who deserve humiliation through disbelief. So Allah made this promise that this religion will reign supreme over all religions."
Read Francis Crick, co-discoverer of the structure of the DNA molecule (along with James D. Watson and Maurice Wilkins), in a book he subtitles, The Scientific Search for the Soul. His atheism, not an honest scientific inquiry, has already predetermined what his “search” will reveal. He isn’t really searching for the soul as the ordinary person would conceive it. That would be unthinkable for him as an atheist. He is searching for some mechanical, physical, or chemical “thing” that will enable him to change the minds of those foolish enough to hold the view of a nonmaterial soul. This has always been and still is the universal belief of mankind. And that pre-bias cannot but hinder his research as a scientist by preventing him from considering valuable evidence that leads in a direction he will not go.
What then is the difference, if there is any? There is no point in counting the numbers on each side—that would prove nothing. But there is an important and obvious distinction. The central issue is, which one would be the best scientist, most likely to look at all the facts objectively? And that question is answered heavily on the side of the theists. Why?
'Greatest discovery since the Dead Sea Scrolls'
The earliest inscription declaring Jesus as God - deemed 'the greatest discovery since the Dead Sea Scrolls' - was uncovered beneath the floor of an Israeli prison and is now on display in America.
The 1,800-year-old mosaic, discovered by an inmate of the Megiddo prison, features the ancient Greek writing: 'The god-loving Akeptous has offered the table to God Jesus Christ as a memorial.'
The 581-square-foot mosaic decorated the world's first prayer hall in 230 AD, confirming Christians believed Jesus was the son of God from the very beginning.
The Megiddo Mosaic also included some of the earliest images of fish, which experts believe reference the story in Luke:9:16Then he took the five loaves and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed them, and brake, and gave to the disciples to set before the multitude.
See All... when Jesus multiplied two fish to feed a crowd of 5,000 people.
The floor has been hidden under the prison since it was discovered in 2005, but has now been lent to a museum in Washington, DC, until July 2025.
Carlos Campo, CEO of the museum, hailed the mosaic as ' the greatest discovery since the Dead Sea Scrolls,' while his colleagues noted it was 'the most important archaeological discovery for understanding the early Christian church.'
'We truly are among the first people to ever see this, to experience what almost 2,000 years ago was put together by a man named Brutius, the incredible craftsman who laid the flooring here,' Campo said at the opening of the exhibition.
The excavation, conducted by archaeologists from the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA), took four years to recover the 581-square-foot mosaic floor.
The mosaic included the name of the Roman officer who commissioned the tile during the Roman occupation of Judea.
Researchers suggested that could prove Romans coexisted with Christians to some degree, despite the numerous stories of war and slaughter at the time.
An inscription on the mosaic read: 'Gaianus, a Roman officer, having sought honor, from his own money, has made the mosaic.'
The team also found a nearby Roman camp, providing more support of the peace between the two groups.
The prayer hall, or church, was likely abandoned and covered up because the Roman Empire's Sixth Legion was transferred to Transjordan - a region located to the east of the Jordan River.
Many, perhaps most these days, are not familiar with William Marion Branham. His followers are often called Branhamites by outsiders. He discipled a young preacher by the name of Jim Jones. A name most associated with the death of over 900 of his followers. Although the sheer size of the of the death toll is unusual, the details about smaller groups of Branhamites recorded in Mass starvation, a doomsday colony: 'The Message' inspires dangerous ‘cults’ worldwide by Emily Hamer and Tim Steller would indicate it may be more common than most are aware: “The year-long investigation is the first news-media account of The Message and its global influence.
“Leaders influenced by Branham have overseen a deadly starvation cult in Kenya in 2023, a colony in Chile that murdered and tortured prisoners and abused children in the 1970s, a trailer-park commune in Arizona that abused children in the 1960s and other high-control groups that have been accused of psychological manipulation and sexual crimes.”
“They point out that the way Branham structured the churches the pastor has no accountability. It is a system destined for severe abuse. The Message movement is not small: “Over the last 40 years, the sect has grown tenfold from an estimated 300,000 followers in 1986 to an estimated 3 million today, according to Voice of God Recordings distribution figures. The estimates are based on how many people get VGR’s materials, but the nonprofit doesn’t verify whether those people have accepted The Message, Evans said.
“Africa has the most Message churches of any continent, Evans said. About 1,500 churches in Kenya alone claim to follow The Message, he added.
“The Message also has a sizeable following in Latin America due not only to Voice of God but also other missionaries. Phoenix resident Jorge Hernandez Jr. worked for decades helping his father establish Message churches in Mexico, his native El Salvador, Peru and other countries, he said.”
Unfortunately, there are too few trained pastors in these areas and the 1,500 Message churches in Kenya offer those attending do not receive in other churches. Plug and play teaching. All that is needed is audio and video equipment. MCOI is trying to assist one church, but it is a bit difficult. Without a laptop, projector and speaker they are dependent on the pastor, his smart phone and an interpreter.
Many, perhaps most these days, are not familiar with William Marion Branham. His followers are often called Branhamites by outsiders. He discipled a young preacher by the name of Jim Jones. A name most associated with the death of over 900 of his followers. Although the sheer size of the of the death toll is unusual, the details about smaller groups of Branhamites recorded in Mass starvation, a doomsday colony: 'The Message' inspires dangerous ‘cults’ worldwide by Emily Hamer and Tim Steller would indicate it may be more common than most are aware: “The year-long investigation is the first news-media account of The Message and its global influence.
“Leaders influenced by Branham have overseen a deadly starvation cult in Kenya in 2023, a colony in Chile that murdered and tortured prisoners and abused children in the 1970s, a trailer-park commune in Arizona that abused children in the 1960s and other high-control groups that have been accused of psychological manipulation and sexual crimes.”
“They point out that the way Branham structured the churches the pastor has no accountability. It is a system destined for severe abuse. The Message movement is not small: “Over the last 40 years, the sect has grown tenfold from an estimated 300,000 followers in 1986 to an estimated 3 million today, according to Voice of God Recordings distribution figures. The estimates are based on how many people get VGR’s materials, but the nonprofit doesn’t verify whether those people have accepted The Message, Evans said.
“Africa has the most Message churches of any continent, Evans said. About 1,500 churches in Kenya alone claim to follow The Message, he added.
“The Message also has a sizeable following in Latin America due not only to Voice of God but also other missionaries. Phoenix resident Jorge Hernandez Jr. worked for decades helping his father establish Message churches in Mexico, his native El Salvador, Peru and other countries, he said.”
Unfortunately, there are too few trained pastors in these areas and the 1,500 Message churches in Kenya offer those attending do not receive in other churches. Plug and play teaching. All that is needed is audio and video equipment. MCOI is trying to assist one church, but it is a bit difficult. Without a laptop, projector and speaker they are dependent on the pastor, his smart phone and an interpreter.
There are scientists who are atheists and there are scientists who are Christians. Is there a difference? As far as talents, intelligence, and qualifications go, there is no difference in favor of either side. At the beginning of the modern scientific era, scientists who were theists far outnumbered atheists and agnostics. That balance has changed in more recent times in favor of the unbelievers. But there are still many highly qualified scientists who are firm believers in God.
We're looking for a color-coded new world: a green pill for anxiety, and yellow pill for frustration, an orange pill for unhappiness, a black pill for a bad day at the office, and a white one when all else fails ... I believe that these pills are not necessary; only because there's a certain man in this country that has failed to give the right pill. The preacher has not given the god-pill. Therefore, they're on every pill you can think of, and none of them are working.
—Lester Roloff (June 28, 1914 – November 2, 1982, American Independent Baptist preacher, and cited as a major influence on both the Christian homeschooling and youth movements).
Recently John Piper’s organization, Desiring God, published an article by Dr. Jonathan Worthington. His abstract begins, “Learning to read Genesis 1–2 through Paul’s eyes cuts through the stalemate of contemporary debates about the age of the earth and mode of its creation, for Paul turns readers’ attention instead to the glory of the triune Creator and the given goodness of what he has made.”
So, according to Worthington, Paul is not concerned about when and how God created the world. The implication is that Christians today shouldn’t be concerned about those questions either. I beg to differ and here’s why.
Paul taught that all Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for our learning (2 Timothy 3:16–17). In it, God never lies (Titus 1:2). His words are always true, unlike man’s (Romans 3:4). And he believed everything in the Scriptures (Acts 24:14). He treated the details of Genesis 1–11 as literal history just like he did the details he cites in the rest of Genesis and elsewhere, even where miraculous events happened (e.g., Romans 4:9–22; Galatians 4:22–24; 1 Corinthians 10:1–112).
He taught that all people descended from one man (Acts 17:26), who was Adam, the first man (1 Corinthians 15:45–47). He believed that Adam was made from the earth (dust) first, and then Eve was made from Adam (1 Corinthians 15:47, 11:8–9; 1 Timothy 2:13).
He believed that God created different kinds of creatures to reproduce after their kind from the seed in them (1 Corinthians 15:36–39), just as Genesis 1 teaches.
He warned that Satan would use the same strategy on us that he (in the form of a serpent) used on Eve when he deceived her and led Adam into sin (2 Corinthians 11:3; 1 Timothy 2:14—he undoubtedly shared John’s understanding that Satan used the serpent: Revelation 12:9).
Most importantly, Paul taught that Adam brought sin and death into the world (Romans 5:12 and 1 Corinthians 15:21–22) and that Jesus, the last Adam, came to undo the damage caused by the first Adam. That rebellion of Adam precipitated God’s judgment on the whole creation. Paul taught that the creation would one day be liberated, just as Christians will be, from all the suffering and corruption at the return of Christ.
And if all that doesn’t help us to see Genesis correctly through Paul’s eyes, he tells us in Romans 1:18–20 that all people are inexcusably guilty for not thanking and worshipping our Creator God. That is because “since the creation of the world” all people have seen the witness of creation to the existence and at least some of the attributes of the Creator (his eternal power and divine nature). This clearly indicates that Paul believed man was there when the heavens and earth were made (days, not billions of years after they were made). Paul clearly had David’s words (1,000 years before Paul) in Psalm 19:1–6 in mind when he said that everyone has heard about God from looking at the heavens, which reveal the glory of God (Romans 10:17–18). He would have remembered the declaration of Psalm 97:6 that the heavens reveal the righteousness of God, at least from the orderly movement of the heavenly bodies, which Paul knew guaranteed God’s faithfulness to Israel (Jeremiah 31:35–37). And as a Pharisaic student of Scripture, Paul would have remembered Job’s declaration about the time of Abraham (about 2,000 years before Paul) that the animals and the earth point to God’s existence and creative work (Job 12:7–10).
We should also remember that Paul was an obedient slave and apostle of Jesus Christ, who also believed Genesis and was a young-earth creationist. Jesus taught that Adam was at the beginning of creation (Mark 10:6, 13:19), not 13.8 billion years after the beginning as old-earth Christians believe, as they follow the secular scientists.3 He linked the global flood of Noah to the global judgment at his second coming (Matthew 24:37–39). He believed that Abel was murdered (Luke 11:50–51). Jesus also taught that Jonah was in the belly of a fish for three days, using that fact to predict his own resurrection (Matthew 12:39–40). He warned his listeners to repent or face judgment, referring to the destruction of Sodom (Matthew 10:15) and to Lot’s wife being turned to salt (Luke 17:28–32). He affirmed the historicity of God feeding the Israelites in the wilderness with manna and of the miracles of Elijah and Elisha (Luke 4:25–27). And he called Nicodemus to repentance and faith as he reminded him about the bronze serpent that Moses raised in the wilderness, as he pointed to his own atoning death on the cross (John 3:14–15).
Paul’s writing and faithfulness to Christ give us strong reasons to conclude that Paul was a young-earth creationist, and so we should be too.
In spite of the rampant unbelief among the general public and the efforts of atheists such as Dawkins to convince the world that faith in God is anti-science, there are still many Christians among top scientists and modern Nobel laureates:
“William D. Phillips won the 1997 Nobel Prize in chemistry for using lasers to produce temperatures only a fraction of a degree above absolute zero. Phillips once quipped that so many of his colleagues were Christians that he couldn’t walk across his church’s fellowship hall without “tripping over a dozen physicists. . . .” Professor Richard Bube of Stanford says, “There are [proportionately] as many atheistic truck drivers as atheistic scientists.” But among Nobel laureates, the number who recognize the hand of God in the universe is remarkably high.”