May 1995 |

May 1995

Question: What has been called the “Laughing Revival” is evidently not all fun and games. I’ve been told that there is a very militant side to it. Is that true? Response: To borrow a phrase, “There’s not all joy in ‘the joy movement.’” Many who are defending the so-called holy...Read more
question and answer
Question: I’ve been on the fence concerning your views of self-esteem and self-love, but I think you’ve really missed the mark when it comes to our self-worth. I recently read The Secret of Loving by Josh McDowell. He’s no slouch when it come to biblical apologetics and he says we...Read more
question and answer
If a single line of Scripture can be produced to prove that the present system of things is to be marked by gradual improvement, religiously, politically, morally, or socially, then by all means be hopeful….But where is such a clause to be found? Simply nowhere. The Testimony of the Bible,...Read more
In a recent editorial entitled "A Time to Build Bridges," Charisma founding editor and publisher Stephen Strang seemed hopeful that the Holy Spirit was doing a great work of reconciliation. He announced that historic church rifts were being mended and that fast-growing organizations such as Promise Keepers (he publishes its...Read more
feature article