June 1997 | thebereancall.org

June 1997

Question : The Bible tries to make morality consist of absolutes which are supposedly commanded by God. Yet most people in the world never read the Bible, so they don’t know these rules. What could be more foolish than a book which claims to be God’s Word and sets rules...Read more
question and answer
Question : The pain and suffering caused by crime is bad enough. Christianity, however, has added to that pain and suffering by convincing mankind that it has rebelled against God and broken His laws. Consequently, the threat of eternal punishment haunts everyone who has come under Christianity’s influence. Wouldn’t the...Read more
question and answer
“You’re just out of date,” said young pastor Bate To one of our faithful old preachers Who had carried for years in travail and tears
 The gospel to poor sinful creatures. “You still preach on Hades, and shock cultured ladies “With your barbarous doctrine of blood! “You’re so far behind...Read more
The term "spiritual warfare," as used by most conservative evangelical Christians, is simply a figurative way of describing what takes place every day as they attempt to live their lives in a manner pleasing to God. The very real adversaries on the spiritual battlefield are the world, the flesh, and...Read more
feature article