September 1997 |

September 1997

Sachant que nous sommes dans les derniers des derniers jours, l’imminence de l’Enlèvement, un espoir très réel, nos pensées se tournent souvent (et en effet c’est ce qu’elles devraient faire) vers les signes que le Christ a dit annonceraient l’approche de Son retour. Ceux qui sont les plus communément cités...Read more
feature article
With the opening of fall classes, parents (and praying friends) need to be reminded of the hazards of public school education. Former New Ager Will Baron writes, "My alienation from Christian values intensified in high school, where my teachers exposed me to...evolution, reincarnation, and extrasensory perception." 1 The following letter...Read more
feature article
Our Sunday Visitor (a Catholic weekly), 7/20/97: Anyone who watches the news knows what a Promise Keepers rally looks like: stadiums teeming with men, many visibly weeping, some dropping to their knees in emotional prayer, thousands rushing forward to publicly repent of sins ranging from adultery to embezzlement. While there...Read more
news alert
Question: I have been involved in Promise Keepers now for four years. I have brought unsaved friends to stadium gatherings and have seen them get saved. I have seen marriages strengthened. Yet the criticism continues. Isn’t it about time for the critics to admit that the fruit of Promise Keepers...Read more
question and answer
During my private prayer I remembered my impatient speech today, and this brought before me my sins in so clear a light, and with a deep feeling of sorrow and abhorrence. It showed me so clearly the necessity of an atonement, and the greatness of God’s mercy, and that we...Read more