January 1998 | thebereancall.org

January 1998

Question: I have forwarded a new book to you that is sure to shake the foundations of evangelicalism. It is called How Wide the Divide: a Mormon and Evangelical in Conversation by Craig L. Blomberg (evangelical professor at Denver Seminary) and Stephen E. Robinson ( Mormon ). In my opinion,...Read more
question and answer
Question: Enclosed is a copy of Native Reflections , newsletter of the Wesleyan Native American Ministries, Fall 1997. What I read in it was disturbing to me. I am a full-blood Indian and I was saved and delivered from all these false beliefs that these men are now advocating. Could...Read more
question and answer
Men who speak for God never merge into the fog around them. Noah stood alone in a civilization of culture and progress. His contemporaries must have laughed at him as an eccentric who was...looking for the world to end. Elijah stood alone among the priests of Baal and the stooges...Read more
To gain wider acceptance of the original ECT ("Evangelicals and Catholics Together: The Christian Mission in the Third Millennium," March 29, 1994), nineteen evangelicals (Bill Bright, Charles Colson, Richard Land, Max Lucado, Os Guinness, J.I. Packer, et al.) and fifteen Catholics (Jesuit Avery Dulles, Peter Kreeft, Ralph Martin, Richard John...Read more
feature article