February 1998 | thebereancall.org

February 1998

Question [composite of several] : In your July [’97] Q&A you cannot use a parable (the rich man and Lazarus) to support the pagan idea of the immortality of the soul. What scripture do you use to support the idea that the “soul” is a separate entity from the body?...Read more
question and answer
Question: I always look forward to your Berean Call and never thought I would disagree with you on anything, but—in answering a letter you said, “Jesus had human blood.” If that was true, there would have been no need for the Virgin Birth. We all get our blood from our...Read more
question and answer
Question [composite of several] : Your December [1997] article contained a false statement that could lead many astray: “For [ Israel ] eternal life came through keeping the Law....” It might be well to publish a correction as this statement could cause confusion. Response: My statement was, unfortunately, badly worded...Read more
question and answer
When the vitality of the Word of God is missing from the pulpit, the vacuum has always been filled, sometimes by eloquence, by joke-telling, by man’s philosophies, or by anecdotes. Almost anything has been pulled in to fill the void, but the godly have shunned such froth. In many ways,...Read more
Many of us who love the Bible find it very easy to get excited over the possibility that a recent discovery might add more confirmation to our confidence that God's Word is just that: His inspired, specific revelation to mankind. Whether we learn of an archaeological find such as the...Read more
feature article