April 1998 | thebereancall.org

April 1998

The Guardian Havana , 1/29/98: Nearly everyone in Cuba, Fidel Castro included, is rumored to believe, to some degree, in Santeria, the Way of the Saints....Belief is everywhere. When you open a new bottle of rum in Cuba, you always pour some onto the ground. Not much, mind you, as...Read more
news alert
Question: The church I now attend is embracing some teachings of Watchman Nee. What do you know about him, and especially about his book, The Latent Power of the Soul ? Response: Watchman Nee’s writings, in my opinion, tend toward mysticism and though they contain some helpful insights also contain...Read more
question and answer
You must at once so purge and expel all dregs of Papistry, superstition and idolatry that you, O England! must judge and hold execrable and accursed whatsoever God has not sanctified unto you by His Word....The glistering beauty of vain ceremonies, the heaping of things pertaining nothing to edification (by...Read more
It should be quite clear to any observer of news and trends that we are heading (as the Bible foretells) for a world government and a world religion—and that the two will be united. Gone will be any "separation between church and state." It should be equally clear that a...Read more
feature article