August 1998 |

August 1998

Question: Recently I joined a yoga class for fitness and relaxation. During the class, mantras are used. The teacher explained the meanings such as “all is truth.” Is it wrong to participate in these mantras? Can I just substitute Christian words such as “Jesus”...? Or should I not participate in...Read more
question and answer
Question [greatly condensed]: Although your December 1997 article was sound, one sentence had a faint anti-Semitic flavor that I felt was unnecessary: “The Galatian problem remains (in varying degrees) within some so-called Hebrew-Christian or Messianic congregations today.” You accept your saved brethren in all churches; why are we “so-called”...? I...Read more
question and answer
If you let culture make tolerance the preeminent virtue, pretty soon you won’t have anything else. —George Marsden , University history professor and author of major book on fundamentalism ( Christian History , issue 55, vol. XVI, no. 3, p 43) The worst sin today is to say that you...Read more
"You're a fundamentalist! " The accusation was directed at me, a freshman in university just out of the military in 1947. From the stinging tone of contempt no explanation was needed to understand that being branded a "fundamentalist" was the ultimate insult in the proud world of academia. I replied...Read more
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