October 1998 | thebereancall.org

October 1998

Question: I know that I’ll be in heaven, but I still have a fear of the moment of death, the process of dying. Can you help me? Response: We are aware of a poem (from the Gospel Tract Society in Springfield MO) which goes something like this: “To bid farewell...Read more
question and answer
Question: What are your thoughts on Christians who take their own lives, and what will happen to them? Response: What do the Scriptures say? They are certainly not silent on the subject, including the stories of those who committed suicide (King Saul and Judas, for example). One thing is certain...Read more
question and answer
Question: I’ve noticed that you have appeared as speaker at conferences along with women speakers. Doesn’t this go against the biblical injunction that women are not to teach men? Response: We believe the Bible opposes women as pastors. A woman is not to teach or to usurp authority over men...Read more
question and answer
Question: What can you tell me about Our Lady of Guadalupe? How much truth is there in the story that the Virgin Mary appeared to someone in Latin America? Response: In brief response, the story goes that on December 9, 1531 the “virgin” appeared to a poor Aztec Indian convert...Read more
question and answer
Question: While I agree with you that psychology has created more problems for the church than anyone could number, nevertheless I think there are some areas of the field that can be helpful. What do you think? Response: First of all, when the term “ psychology ” is used most...Read more
question and answer
With what holy indignation do the Apostles denounce the subtle machinations of the enemies of the gospel! In vain shall we look among those faithful servants of the Lord for anything to justify that trembling reserve which fears to say, decidedly, that truth is truth—and error is error. In what...Read more
Oddball exceptions notwithstanding, everyone wants a good deal. So I have on occasion fashioned my witnessing and contending for the faith around the idea of "a good deal." It's not always effective, but then no approach of which I'm aware bats a thousand. Even so, I believe it has a...Read more
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