April 1999 | thebereancall.org

April 1999

Question: I would like your comments about an incident that...has troubled me....During our visit [to the home of our Sunday school teacher and deacon] our host said he needed to locate his underground utility wires....My husband bent a metal coat hanger into a Y form and showed how he could,...Read more
question and answer
Question: I understand that our Resurrection bodies will be glorious, whole and entire, even if on earth we have suffered disfigurement, loss of limb, or other physical handicaps or deficiencies. And yet we’re going to see the nailprints in Christ’s hands! This seems like a contradiction as well as totally...Read more
question and answer
Question: In his book, George Mueller tells how God uses trials to increase our faith. Such an interpretation would have to be read into the [biblical] text. Abraham’s life (for example) proves that notion wrong. Otherwise, God would be a child abuser! Response: You seem to think that no Christian...Read more
question and answer
Two men went up into the temple to pray: the one a Pharisee, the other a publican (Lk 18:10). There is no place or position so sacred that the “Pharisee” cannot enter. Pride can lift its head in the very temple of God, and make His worship the scene of...Read more
The Islamic Curtain separating Muslim countries from the rest of the world is every bit as impenetrable as the Iron Curtain ever was, but who hears a word of it in the media? In Saudi Arabia, for example, which Americans died to protect, there is a total blackout on anything...Read more
feature article