January 2000 | thebereancall.org

January 2000

Question: I noticed a rather derogatory reference to you in a recent issue of This Rock , a Catholic apologetic magazine edited by Karl Keating. I know you have debated Karl in the past and wonder whether he was accurate in saying that you don’t really write your books but...Read more
question and answer
Question: I enjoyed your little book, The Nonnegotiable Gospel —so I bought several of them to hand out....But when I went through your little book again, guess what? I could not find the word “repentance” mentioned anywhere! Also at one place you said there is nothing for us to do...Read more
question and answer
Question: Where do you get the courage to expose what you believe are false teachings of some of the best-known and most popular Christian leaders? Have you gone to each of them privately first, as the Scripture says we should? Can’t correction be accomplished simply by referring to the false...Read more
question and answer
Question: Enclosed is a printout from Science Digest . You will take notice that “the mother’s blood never mingles with that of the fetus.” With no contact with the mother’s blood, how can the blood of Jesus be just “normal human blood”? How is Jesus’ blood unique from mankind yet...Read more
question and answer
It would be indeed a distressing comment on the misused opportunities of our lives, if at the end, we should hear Him say, sadly, to us as to Philip: “Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me?” Lead me in thy truth and...Read more
This phrase is contained in the so-called "Lord's prayer," which, in fact, is not the Lord's prayer (that is found in John 17) but the disciples' prayer. It would hardly have been appropriate for our Lord to pray, "Forgive us our sins...And lead us not into temptation" (Lk 11:4). Nor...Read more
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