March 2000 |

March 2000

Question: I’ve been given a couple of books by Brennan Manning, and although I had some trouble with A Ragamuffin Gospel , I was shocked by The Signature of Jesus. My impression is that he is a Catholic mystic in evangelical “wool.” Is he trying to pull that wool over...Read more
question and answer
Question: In your December article you wrote that Switzerland and Sweden both turned away Jews trying to escape Hitler’s ovens. I am aware that the Swiss did just that, plus stole millions of dollars from the Jews. However, I lived in Sweden during all the war years and my family...Read more
question and answer
Question [composite of a number of letters]: We are appalled at your lack of discernment on the issue of repentance in the January 2000 Berean Call . You said clearly, “...the Bible doesn’t specify repentance as part of the gospel whereby sinners are saved.” Any Christian knows that without repentance...Read more
question and answer
Alas! these five thousand years Adam’s fools have been wasting and lavishing out their love and their affections upon...broken idols, upon this and that feckless creature; and have not brought their love and their heart to Jesus. O pity, that Fairness hath so few lovers!...There is so little spoken, so...Read more
Suppose you were introduced to a promotion promising a direct line of communication with the Creator of the universe. Let's say you're initially skeptical, but you also find the idea appealing. After all, who wouldn't want to be able to hear from and speak with God as though He were...Read more
feature article
