April 2000 | thebereancall.org

April 2000

Question: I hesitate to ask this question because it will put further emphasis upon something I think TBC has given far too much attention. However, don’t you think you have expended more time and effort in dealing with the issue of Roman Catholicism than is warranted? Shouldn’t you “lay off”...Read more
question and answer
Question [composite of several, some quite angry:] Your Q&A of November ’99 (first one) proves you are not willing to be corrected....Instead of receiving correction, you say that John the Baptist “made a mistake” in reproving Herod. I sincerely believe that John the Baptist’s rebuke of Herod wasn’t a mistake...Read more
question and answer
Question [from a pastor]: Just a quick note to thank you for your newsletter and your sound biblical teaching and to ask one question....It has been my conviction for some time now that the parachurch setup...is an unbiblical foundation for ministry. I am in no way questioning what you are...Read more
question and answer
There is always the utmost danger when a man or his work becomes remarkable. He may be sure Satan is gaining his objective when attention is shown to anything or anyone but the Lord Jesus Himself. A work may be commenced in the greatest possible simplicity, but through lack of...Read more
