June 2000 | thebereancall.org

June 2000

Question: You are still taking a lot of hits for being right about Y2K. Even when you’re right you’re accused of being wrong. How does it feel and how do you explain this? Response: I have neither hurt feelings nor any explanation for what has been said and written in...Read more
question and answer
Question [condensed]: I quoted The Berean Call ...to a missionary in France who...used to be a student of mine in Dallas Theological Seminary. He then quoted for me the Promise Keepers rep in France who had a different group of “facts” from those given in TBC, written by T. A...Read more
question and answer
Question: Recently I was presented some information defending the traditional Friday crucifixion.... “The day of preparation” (Lk 23:54) could only refer to Friday before the Sabbath since no work of any kind could be done on the Sabbath... [which was known as] “the High Sabbath.” To us three days and...Read more
question and answer
