August 2000 |

August 2000

Question: It seems that Calvinism is gaining in influence and as a result is causing controversy and even division in some churches. I think this is an important subject and I don’t recall you ever giving your opinion. Would you please do so in the Q&A section? Response: In fact,...Read more
question and answer
The apostles declared that Christ had risen from the dead, and that only through repentance from sin and faith in Him could men hope for salvation . This doctrine they the face of the most appalling terrors.... Propagating this new faith, even in the most inoffensive and peaceful manner,...Read more
Currently in vogue are highly publicized and widely disseminated conferences and TV programs featuring "experts" allegedly examining evidence to discover who Jesus really was. Larry King Live did a program July 6 titled "Who is Jesus?" Peter Jennings hosted a TV special June 26 titled "The Search for Jesus." Academia...Read more
feature article
