May 2001 |

May 2001

Question: Are you familiar with the book, John Paul II, A Tribute , produced by Life ? The foreword was written by Billy Graham. In it he tells (as he also related on “Larry King Live”) that he was preaching at Cardinal Wojtyla’s cathedral in Krakow, Poland the very night...Read more
question and answer
Question (composite of excerpts from several pastors): I have appreciated The Berean Call over the years and your stand against the error rampant among evangelicals today. However, your recent attacks upon Calvinism , a subject about which you reveal your ignorance, and your arguments against the sovereignty of God, can...Read more
question and answer
Question: I enjoyed your article, “The Living Word of God.” However, if the brain doesn’t originate thought, what about dreams, which are visualized thoughts? What about insanity? What about drugs acting on the brain and changing behavior? Response: The brain is a computer which the real person within uses to...Read more
question and answer
Question: Record, Feb/Mar 2001 (magazine of The American Bible Society) had an article titled, “Adam and Eve in the Garden of Truth,” which presented the story of the Garden of Eden as a myth. The article, written by Barclay M. Newman, senior translations officer for the American Bible Society, said...Read more
question and answer
How Readest Thou? Christ’s question must concern
 Each eager praying one who would discern The real meaning of the Book of books When through its pages he with patience looks.
 Some read to bring themselves into repute,
 While showing others who they can dispute.
 And others read it with uncommon...Read more
