July 2001 | thebereancall.org

July 2001

Question: Everywhere I turn I find the “Alpha Course.” It is advertised in Christian media and on billboards and in church bulletins. I have friends who say they were filled with the Holy Spirit and really came alive in Christ through taking it. At the same time, I’ve met people...Read more
question and answer
Question: Undoubtedly the hottest selling book at the moment in Christian circles is The Prayer of Jabez by Bruce Wilkinson. It has sold nearly 4 million copies and according to wide publicity is revolutionizing the lives of thousands all over the world. After reading it I came away with some...Read more
question and answer
Question: In the April issue of The Berean Call you used all kinds of antiquated structural forms such as with verb endings (killeth, hath, shalt, wilt); possessive adjectives (mine, thine); subject pronouns (thou, ye)....It reminds me of a verse I memorized in my youth: “The wind bloweth where it listeth,...Read more
question and answer
God can do nothing for us from without, only by what He can put into the heart. Of all that Jesus is and does as High Priest in heaven I cannot have the least experience, but as it is revealed in the heart. The whole work of the Holy Spirit...Read more
"We appreciated the Bible in our room last night," I told our B&B (bed-and-breakfast) host in Northern England as he served us the traditional "full English breakfast." "It's the first time we've found one in a B&B. Does that mean you're a believer?" "I'm a Christian," he replied firmly. "An...Read more
feature article
