June 2002 | thebereancall.org

June 2002

Question: I’ve been pondering a question that only leads to more questions: “What should I expect from a relationship with Jesus?” Some would tell me that the sky is the limit when it comes to God. Not only does He want to take control of my life and guide my...Read more
question and answer
Question: Excellent job on your tape about Reformed theology and the critique of John Calvin. But on the concept of predestination and God choosing some for heaven and others for hell, which you vigorously oppose, could you please explain your view in the context of Romans:9:11-23 [11] (For the children...Read more
question and answer
Question : You say, “...Calvinists teach that God is the author of sin....” Dave, this is a falsehood....That you are in error in this is so glaringly obvious I keep wondering why I have to keep pointing these things out to you....Calvinists indeed teach that God foreordains sin, that God...Read more
question and answer
In these days men have left off faith. The spirit of the martyrs is not in them. Opinions have taken the place of convictions; and the result is a liberality which is the offspring, not of humility and love, but of indifference or doubts. Opinions are our own, and should...Read more
Recently I returned from a conference sponsored by the Wheaton College Graduate School Department of Bible and Theology and InterVarsity Press. Titled "Catholics and Evangelicals in Conversation," the event brought together 14 theologians from both traditions, including Catholics Francis Cardinal George, Archbishop of Chicago, and Richard John Neuhaus, co-originator with...Read more
feature article
