February 2003 | thebereancall.org

February 2003

God promised that the Messiah, who would redeem mankind from Satan’s power and sin’s penalty, would be a virgin-born Jew ( Gen:3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel...Read more
feature article
Sorting the Mail We are thrilled to hear from you, and we enjoy reading your comments, even criticisms (they're helpful too!). Regretfully, however, we don't have the staff or the time to reply to every letter we receive. When questions are asked to which we feel a response might be...Read more
tbc notes
WorldNetDaily.com, 1/14/03 : An Israeli documentary in 1998 showed how Palestinian children are taught to hate Jews, to glorify jihad, violence, death and child martyrdom. A “Sesame Street”-like children’s program called the “Children’s Club” showed very young children singing songs about wanting to become “suicide warriors” and to take up...Read more
news alert
Question: You have said that on Nisan 1 in the 20th year of the reign of Artaxerxes Longimanus, Nehemiah received authorization to rebuild Jerusalem and that, in keeping with Gabriel’s promise (Dn 9:25), 483 years later to the day, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on the donkey. That should have been...Read more
question and answer
Question: I recently discovered that friends have become part of a growing group of professing Christians who sincerely believe that the so-called “white races” are the ten lost tribes. How can I convince them otherwise? Answer: This is a revival of the old “Brit­ish- Israel ” myth based upon the...Read more
question and answer
Question: I wrote to you to point out that you were in error in saying that in 1948 the Arabs broadcast orders to the Palestinians that they should flee their homeland. I sent you documentation showing no such broadcasts ever took place....Since that time, you have released a video entitled...Read more
question and answer
The spread of the churches [early 17 th century] in Austria and the surrounding States was marvelous; the accounts of the numbers put to death and of their sufferings are terrible, yet there never failed to be men willing to take up the dangerous work of evangelists and elders....While some...Read more
