April 2003 | thebereancall.org

April 2003

Under the influence of a growing army of psychologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, and sociologists (who largely control our public schools), millions of today’s youth have been persuaded to believe the serpent’s ancient lie, now clothed in psychological dogma: that there is nothing inherently wrong with the child “self,” and that any...Read more
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T he fundamental problem is that although we know a lot about the biomedical etiology of neurological disorders, we still fathom embarrassingly little about the biology of the major mental illnesses. And even the burgeoning understanding of genetic and metabolic risk factors has not translated into clinically useful tests or...Read more
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University of South Florida The Oracle Newspaper March 21, 2003 Studying the Quran from a non-patriarchal perspective enlightened and angered Riffat Hassan. She realized the Quran does not discriminate against women, which she said is a misconception many people have about the Muslim religion. "I became convinced during this course...Read more
TBC Today
------------------------------------------------------------------------ (AP) NEW YORK (February 11, 2003 5:18 p.m. EST) : The record price and epic length of the new "Harry Potter" novel hasn't stopped the publisher from expecting extraordinary sales: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, hitting bookstores June 21, has a first printing of 6.8 million...Read more
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