May 2003 |

May 2003

World Magazine, 4/19/03: A new ethics code greeted the nearly 500 students at United Methodist-related Duke Divinity School when they returned from spring break. It didn’t go over well with everybody. The “conduct covenant” covers the usual bases: no stealing, cheating, or plagiarizing. It calls on students to live in...Read more
TBC Today
Man says: “Where is the name " Mormon " in the Bible?” Some people joke that " Mormon " sounds like "Moron." Indeed, the "land of Moron" was the first place the Jaredites settled when they arrived in America (e.g. it was the first Book of Mormon land). The name...Read more
TBC Today
In spite of thousands of years of inquiry into the universe, and the super technology of today’s computer-aided science , we still know almost nothing in comparison to all there is to know. We don’t know what energy is, or what gravity or light or space are. Referring to the...Read more
feature article
Keep TBC Coming! Or Maybe Not... Spring has sprung and we are in the process of cleaning out our mailing list. Our procedure is to contact those who have never contacted us to see if they want to continue receiving our free newsletter. Some have been put on our mailing...Read more
tbc notes
Dear Dave, As a long-time subscriber to TBC , I appreciate your zeal, insight, and the care with which you edit your newsletter. That’s why I was surprised to see a simple logic mistake in your March [’03] newsletter. It’s in your response to the question about whether evangelicals should...Read more
