June 2003 | thebereancall.org

June 2003

Man Says: "He [God] is our Father--the Father of our spirits, and was once a man in mortal flesh as we are, and is now an exalted being. It appears ridiculous to the world, under their darkened and erroneous traditions, that God has once been a finite being;" (Brigham Young...Read more
TBC Today
As Dave Hunt has pointed out, “the Bible doesn’t waste its time ‘proving God’s existence.’ It starts out, ‘In the beginning, God created,’ and bluntly declares, ‘The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God’ ( Psalms:14:1 (To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David.) The fool hath...Read more
TBC Today
Afraid? Of what? To feel the spirit’s glad release? To pass from pain to perfect peace, The strife and strain of life to cease? Afraid—of that? Afraid? Of what? Afraid to see the Savior’s face? To hear His welcome, and to trace The glory gleam from wounds of grace? Afraid—of...Read more
Is “political correctness” deliberate lying or voluntary insanity? How do we explain the lie (with no example to support it, and hundreds refuting it) that “ Islam is peace”? Without violence, by which it began, spread, and now maintains itself, Islam would be an obscure cult, not a world religion...Read more
feature article
Question: Is faith a gift from God? In two of your books you state it both ways, supporting both with the same scripture reference, Ephesians:2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: See All... . “When God gives...Read more
question and answer
