October 2003 | thebereancall.org

October 2003

El rapto de la iglesia envuelve a creyentes siendo llevados al cielo, aquellos que acaban de resucitar, al igual que aquellos que todavía están con vida en ése tiempo (1 Tes 4:13-18). Si esto ocurre al principio del período de la tribulación, entonces claramente la Segunda Venida de Cristo al...Read more
feature article
The Rapture of the church involves all believers being caught up to heaven—those just resurrected, together with those alive at the time ( 1 Thes:4:13-18 [13] But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have...Read more
feature article
How’s Your Bible Study Going? Hopefully, you are attending a Bible Study and growing in the Lord. The concern is raised because we’re receiving more and more letters from our readers bemoaning the fact that they can’t find fellowship in the Lord. Most churches in their area have capitulated to...Read more
tbc notes
Dear TBC, The thought of not receiving the TBC newsletter every month would be like switching off the light in a very dark room. OE (South Africa) TBC: Please remove me from your mailing list....Your blatant repudiation of the Reformed faith is over the line. It is one thing to...Read more
(AP) , 9/8/2003 : The Dalai Lama dedicated an interfaith temple Sunday and urged his audience of several thousand to be religious and choose a faith. “Religion...should be part of our life,” the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader said during the second stop on a 16-day U.S. tour. “If...people don’t have...Read more
news alert
Question: The Qur’an mentions Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Moses, Jesus, John the Baptist and other biblical characters, as well as many events recorded in the Bible. But the Bible wasn’t translated into Arabic until 40 years after the Qur’an was written! Wouldn’t this prove divine inspiration of the Qur’an? Answer: No,...Read more
question and answer
Question: What is your opinion of “generational sins” as supported by Bill Gothard? This teaching is splitting our church. Can you help? Answer : A number of popular authors and speakers, such as Neil Anderson and others involved in “deliverance” ministries, promote various forms of this teaching. Part of the...Read more
question and answer
Question: In the July Q&A you said “the only begotten Son of God [did not] inherit sinful genes”! Pregnancy is via the woman’s egg and the man’s sperm. In this case, it appears that Mary would supply the egg and her half of the genes, and the Holy Spirit would...Read more
question and answer
