May 2004 |

May 2004

Introduction : As soon as Mel Gibson’s directorial end-credit popped up on the black screen, I made a dash up the aisle while searching my jacket pockets for my cell phone....As I ran from the theater, my mind was also racing with thoughts about what I had just experienced. Moments...Read more
feature article
Spring Cleaning Spring has sprung and we are in the process of cleaning out our mailing list. Our procedure is to contact those who have never contacted us to see if they want to continue receiving our free newsletter. Some have been put on our mailing list by well-meaning (albeit...Read more
tbc notes
Dear Dave, I am presently enjoying reading When Will Jesus Come? Dispensational faith and teaching face an uphill struggle in the church world, and I fear that struggle will become more intense in the days to come, especially when it refers to the distinction between Israel and the church. The...Read more
