June 2004 | thebereancall.org

June 2004

We're Not the Final Word We believe that many of the popular trends taking place today in Christendom are significantly and adversely influencing the spiritual state of the church. Although we give our reasons and provide information and documentation for each subject we address, we are definitely not the final...Read more
tbc notes
Dear All, Already this Spring is seeing momentous events in the world, with the rise of Islamic terrorism in many countries. It’s like Revelation 12 in some ways, with the dragon, enraged and full of fury pursuing the Woman of Revelation 12 ( Israel ) and any who dare to...Read more
Chicago Tribune, 04/26/04: Velma Dority managed to tune out the chatter on religious radio stations calling on all Christians to see “The Passion of the Christ.” She ignored her virtuous friends who bragged about seeing the film countless time. But when Ms. Dority’s five sisters told her she must see...Read more
news alert
Question: Will Antichrist be a Jew (just as Judas, a fellow Jew, betrayed Jesus)? If so, will he be of the tribe of Dan (Danish)? Answer: Danes are not Jews and therefore cannot be from the tribe of Dan! The argument for Antichrist being Jewish is not because Judas was...Read more
question and answer
Question: What might be included in “the strong delusion” in 2 Thessalonians:2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: See All... ? And is it already here, or does it only take effect after the Rapture? Answer: Paul says that the...Read more
question and answer
Question (composite of several): A number of us think you have given more than enough attention to the subject of Calvinism . This should not be the focal point of your ministry! It is time to move on to more edifying subjects; you are only adding fuel to the fires...Read more
question and answer
Question: In the feature article of your Sept. ’03 newsletter you wrote: “‘Gays’ have managed to be categorized as a persecuted minority even though their ‘difference’ is by choice , not by birth. They have adopted this aberrant behavior voluntarily and now claim it as a badge of special privilege”...Read more
question and answer
The plain truth is that false doctrine has been the chosen engine which Satan has employed in every age....Unable to prevent the Fountain of Life being opened, he has laboured incessantly to poison the streams which flow from it....False doctrine soon overspread the Primitive Church after the death of the...Read more
This is the pdf version of the June 2004 The Berean Call .Read more
