July 2004 | thebereancall.org

July 2004

Anyone Concerned? Evangelical churches are currently the target of a massive campaign to sell them the video of Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ. This “very Marian film” (according to Mel) is based upon the Catholic ritual of the Stations of the Cross as seen from the “perpetual Virgin...Read more
tbc notes
To all at The Berean Call, We received the book The Purpose Driven Life as a gift recently and as my wife and I went through it, we realized that there is no gospel message in it. So when your last newsletter came, I was glad to read that there...Read more
Excerpts from LABYRINTHS—A new and ancient way to pray ( The Mennonite 6/1/2004): Marlene Kropf, who teaches Christian spirituality and serves as spiritual director at Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary in Elkhart, Ind., is probably responsible for introducing more Mennonites to [ Catholic mystical prayer] labyrinths than any one person. In...Read more
news alert
Question: How can we know what God says without hearing through a human source and therefore making it a human opinion? How can we be sure that we are hearing what God says and not just what some religious leader tells us God said? Answer: You have asked one of...Read more
question and answer
Question: Is the woman called “mystery Babylon” in Revelation 17 the city of Babylon that is being rebuilt in Iraq? Answer: As far as I know, ancient Babylon, partially rebuilt by Saddam Hussein, is no longer being rebuilt. Of course, the forces occupying Iraq are using some of Babylon’s structures...Read more
question and answer
Question: Don’t people in different cultures differ on what they think is right or wrong? How can all mankind be held to one standard when there is such a wide variety of opinion concerning morality? Answer: I don’t know where you get the idea that different cultures have “a wide...Read more
question and answer
Question: Why do Christians worship on Sunday? I see no biblical basis to omit one commandment. I must settle this, because I want to obey the Lord. Answer: We addressed this in the May ’99 TBC . Critics claim that Constantine (or the Roman Catholic Church) changed the Sabbath from...Read more
question and answer
Question: You claim that Christ became a man to pay the penalty His justice—demanded for our sins. Why would He have to become a man? Why would God go to all that trouble, when as God He could have just forgiven us? Answer: I deal with this somewhat in this...Read more
question and answer
Question: How do I counsel my unbelieving sister about yoga? Answer: She has been deceived and must be willing to face the truth or there is no deliverance. With its breathing exercises and limbering-up positions, yoga is promoted in the West as a way to enhance health and better living...Read more
question and answer
Imagine the One who is so infinitely high being so intimately nigh to each one of us, as miniscule as we are in the universe! Author unknown During the latter part of 1968, a young Christian in Prague, Czechoslovakia, witnessed to another young Czech named Jan Palach. There seemed to...Read more
