September 2004 |

September 2004

En los tiempos actuales, la Iglesia está experimentando dos influencias "mortales"; el mercado "bíblico" y las "películas bíblicas". Nada en tiempos recientes ha impactado a las iglesias Evangélicas tan persuasivamente y tan poderosamente como éste fenómeno. El "mercado bíblico" es un atentado para usar los últimos conceptos seculares de ventas...Read more
feature article
Cafeteria Religion Beyond the Mat: Yoga Stretches Out [The Washington Post (USA), Aug. 29, 2004, by Don Oldenburg] What used to be the domain of the granola-and-Birkenstock fringe has turned into a hypercommercialized industry for the masses. The rolled-up mat of the old days has morphed into a multibillion-dollar market...Read more
TBC Today
Bogus Beliefs Following the September 11, 2001 attacks and ongoing terrorism, Muslims have embarked upon a public relations campaign and “apologetics” with the goal of presenting a “kinder, gentler” face for Islam . A commonly presented version of history tells of the Islamic occupation of Spain, while characterizing it as...Read more
TBC Today
