December 2004 |

December 2004

Less is More If you were aware of Dave’s printed itinerary over 2004, you noticed that some months it took up a half column or more. His travels this year had him away nearly as much as he was home. Although this was a blessing for those who got to...Read more
tbc notes
Dear Sirs, Please take me off your mailing list. You are way too radical. So you don’t like Seeker Churches. I guess you don’t care if those “seekers” go to hell. Not everybody is a Bible scholar. First you have to get people to come to your church. Then you...Read more
Evangelical preaches at Salt Lake Tabernacle (, November 15, 2004) .Taking the pulpit [in the Salt Lake Tabernacle for an “Evening of Friendship,”] to speak of the event’s historic nature, Fuller Theological Seminary President Richard Mouw addressed a capacity crowd of several thousand, offering a stunningly candid apology to members...Read more
news alert
Question: If only those in the church are resurrected and taken to heaven at the Rapture, when do Old Testament saints get resurrected? If at the Rapture, then wouldn’t they be in the church? Answer: Before Christ’s resurrection, the souls and spirits of Old Testament believers went, upon death to...Read more
question and answer
Question: Sir, if today you die, are you 100 percent sure you would go to heaven? How can I, a Muslim, have that assurance? Answer: I am 100 percent certain because of the teaching in the Bible. I know the Bible is the Word of the one true God for...Read more
question and answer
Question: What do you think of the Euro coins issued by the Vatican containing the image of Pope John Paul II? Answer: The Vatican is not only a city but a state as well. Every state in the EU is allowed to have the images it desires on its own...Read more
question and answer
Question: I live in Bermuda and read with interest what you said in Occult Invasion (p. 43) about Henry Gross dowsing over a map of Bermuda while in Kennebunkport, Maine, and locating three well sites on the map, which were drilled and which produce much of Bermuda’s water today. Yet...Read more
question and answer
Question: I’ve heard that Rick Warren is a graduate of Robert Schuller’s Institute for Church Growth and that his teaching is merely Schuller’s Possibility Thinking slightly reworded. Internet sites accuse Warren of continuing to teach at and to support Schuller’s annual leadership Institute. Is that true? Answer: The correct name...Read more
question and answer
What is the reason that so many Christians are wasting their lives in the terrible bondage of the world instead of living in the manifestation and the privilege and the glory of the child of God…? There is one answer: it is self that is the root of the whole...Read more
