January 2005 | thebereancall.org

January 2005

The Mormon apologetic group FAIR which describes itself as "a non-profit organization dedicated to providing well-documented answers to criticisms of LDS doctrine, belief and practice..." rejoiced recently following the remarks of Fuller Theological Seminary president, Dr. Richard Mouw. Dr Mouw’s remarks included: From the very beginning, when Joseph Smith organized...Read more
TBC Today
Santa, Yes, Jesus, No Sunday, December 05, 2004 Fox News By Scott Norvell A December parade in Denver [featured] everyone from Chinese lion dancers to gay and lesbian shamans, according to the Rocky Mountain News, but not Christians who want to sing yuletide hymns or carry a Merry Christmas message...Read more
TBC Today
Prozac Christians: Has Jesus Been Replaced With a Substitute? It’s become common knowledge that the 60 percent divorce rate inside the church -- a place that upholds the sanctity of marriage -- is higher than in secular society. But failed marriages and broken homes are not the only tragedies that...Read more
TBC Today
