March 2005 |

March 2005

From the February 25 Apples of Gold Calendar: Deliverance is something that every child of God receives as he is translated out of the kingdom of darkness and into the kingdom of light, and that he continues to receive as his life is transformed ( Luke:11:4 And forgive us our...Read more
TBC Today
From the February 23 Apples of Gold calendar: Although there are occasions when the Lord may permit individual Christians to participate as His instruments in the specific deliverance of an unsaved person from demons, no amount of ritual or ceremony will ever free anyone. Christ, and Christ alone, sets us...Read more
TBC Today
Episcopal Church Hires Muslim Cleric The newest staff member at St. John ’ s Episcopal Church in Denver , Colorado , is a Muslim Imam. Ibrahim Kazerooni was formally installed on November 14, 2004 as the director of the church ’ s Abrahamic Initiative, a bridge-building effort among Christians, Jews,...Read more
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