August 2005 |

August 2005

“Critical Praise” for Renovaré Bible not too critical Considering that The Renovaré Spiritual Formation Study Bible mirrors “higher criticism” (a movement in which intellectuals question the authorship and authenticity of Scripture portions—particularly prophetic passages—akin to the ungodly “Jesus Seminar”) and incorporates New Age terminology and methodology (under the guise of...Read more
tbc extra
The Berean Buzz & Prayer Requests Here’s what’s been happening lately at TBC: The friendly voice of Cheri Peón del Valle, who for 10 years helped with Dave’s scheduling, will be missed. She has moved to Sacramento to minister to her daughter, who suffers from a rare disease. Please pray...Read more
tbc notes
TBC, I would like to take a moment to thank you folks at TBC customer service. I’ve made many orders online and no one comes close to you. With most I can expect to wait three to four weeks for delivery. With you I’ve never waited more than four days!...Read more
Lexington Herald-Leader, 7/16/05 (AP): Grapevine TX—The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, an alliance of 1,800 congregations that oppose conservative leadership of the Southern Baptist Convention, removed mention of Jesus Christ from its constitution at an annual meeting, Baptist media reported. Previously, the fellowship’s stated purpose was to bring Baptists together so “the...Read more
news alert
Question: In your recent article, you said that the USS Liberty was picking up Israeli military communications during the Six-Day War in 1967, relaying them to Britain’s giant computer installation on Cyprus, from which complete maps were generated and sent to the Arab armed forces, giving them information of Israeli...Read more
question and answer
Question [from Scotland]: In Global Peace and the Rise of Antichrist , you admit that the signs for the Second Coming have only manifested in the last 60 years (establishment of Israel , weapons capable of destroying all flesh on earth, apostasy , ecumenism, multinational economy, etc.). Without these signs...Read more
question and answer
Question: You have serious differences with Karl Keating, the head of Catholic Answers. I’ve seen the video of your debate in Detroit. But he made a special report titled, Endless Jihad: The Truth About Islam and Violence , to “Expose the Little-known Threat Posed by Radical Islamists.” The six-page ad...Read more
question and answer
Christianity…walks with strong step and erect frame…kindly, but firm…gentle, but honest…decided, but not churlish. It does not fear to speak the stern word of condemnation against error, nor to raise its voice against surrounding evils…[and] does not shrink from giving honest reproof….It calls sin sin, on whomsoever it is found…...Read more
God never adjusts Himself or His Word to the tastes of men. He never changes anything to appeal to the corrupt appetites of the ungodly in any age—all must come to Him on His terms. He commands all men everywhere to repent because of coming judgment ( Acts:17:30 And the...Read more
feature article
