January 2006 | thebereancall.org

January 2006

Saudi jailed for discussing the Bible [Excerpts] A court sentenced a teacher to 40 months in prison and 750 lashes for "mocking religion" after he discussed the Bible and praised Jews, a Saudi newspaper reported yesterday. Al-Madina newspaper said secondary-school teacher Mohammad al-Harbi, who will be flogged in public, was...Read more
TBC Today
The Revolve Tour and Ministering to Teen Girls [Excerpts] The very successful Women of Faith Conferences spawned the Revolve Tour for teenage girls. This is funded by Thomas Nelson, that publishing house that produces the Revolve Teen girls Bible-zine. Bible-zines are supposedly a tool to get teens to read the...Read more
TBC Today
Why the Islamists may well succeed [Excerpts] Jack Kelly French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin--whose name may one day be as synonymous with appeasement as Petain's is with collaboration--would like to make a deal. His problem is finding Muslim "community leaders" who can stop the rioting. In communities where law...Read more
TBC Today
Ninth Circuit Body Slams Parent's Rights [Excerpts] America's favorite appeals court has done it again! The 9th Circuit Court in San Francisco, notorious for ruling against "under God" in the Pledge, upset families across America with another controversial decision, this time undermining parents' rights. In the case of Fields v...Read more
TBC Today
TBC: Rather than a spontaneous outbreak, the rioting in France is showing increasing evidence of being something planned long in advance as the following excerpts demonstrate: Police Find Bomb-Making Factory in Paris AP - Elaine Ganley - 11/06/05 - Police found a gasoline bomb-making factory in a southern suburb of...Read more
TBC Today
October 22, 2005 CHURCHES OF INDONESIA SEND SOS Churches of Indonesia, facing continued forced closings, are sending an SOS for prayer to Christian churches around the world. Lindner Special to ASSIST News Service [Excerpts] PERTH, AUSTRALIA (ANS) -- In recent months, Christians in Indonesia have faced a severe escalation of...Read more
TBC Today
TBC: We have noted in the past how C. Peter Wagner uses scripture in order to support his extrabiblical teachings. Consider the following example:] "We need to take a new look at one of our most quoted Bible verses: 'The Son of Man has come to seek and to save...Read more
TBC Today
[TBC: Like the Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses on occasion may “bend” their inviolable doctrines for the sake of the organization’s convenience. Witnesses believe a blood transfusion “may result in the immediate and very temporary prolongation of life, but at the cost of eternal life for a dedicated Christian.”[1]] RECENT WATCHTOWER CONTROVERSIES...Read more
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