June 2006 | thebereancall.org

June 2006

Totalitarian chic [Excerpts] In January 2005, Britain's Prince Harry attended a birthday party dressed as a Nazi. When the London Sun published a picture of the prince in his German desert uniform and swastika armband, it triggered widespread outrage and disgust. In scathing editorials, Harry was condemned as an ignorant...Read more
TBC Today
Honesty has proven the undoing of many skeptics, as this quote demonstrates. Even though he may deny and argue against the historicity of much of the Gospels, he’s adamant regarding the historical evidence of the existence of Jesus: "Of course the doubt as to whether Jesus really existed is unfounded...Read more
TBC Today
The overwhelming majority of Christians have probably never heard of C. G. Jung, but his influence in the church is vast and affects sermons, books, and activities, such as the prolific use of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) by seminaries and missionary organizations. A current, popular example of Jung's legacy...Read more
TBC Today
Please understand: They aren't civilized, and dialogue won't cut it [Excerpts] Iran announces it will give Hamas $50 million to meet the bills. Pin money, you might say. Grenade pin money, more like it. The day after the award, a suicide bomber kills eight at a lunch stand in Tel...Read more
TBC Today
Judge's Transcendental Meditation Sentence Crossed the Line, Attorney Says headlines.agapepress.org < http://headlines.agapepress.org/archive/4/112006e.asp > ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI, April 11, 2006: An attorney with the American Family Association Center for Law & Policy (AFA Law Center) says a circuit judge in St. Louis, Missouri, may have overstepped his authority when he sentenced...Read more
TBC Today
[TBC: In this age of counterfeit spirituality, the resurrection of Medieval Catholic practices, and the Church's acceptance of humanistic psychology , it is encouraging to note that a skeptic's honest recognition of the real Jesus can cut through the fraud and folly now being promoted by the " emerging church...Read more
TBC Today
