April 2007 | thebereancall.org

April 2007

Three Killed at Bible Publishing Firm [Excerpts] Three employees of a Bible publishing company, including one German, have been murdered by attackers in eastern Turkey. The victims had their hands and feet tied and their throats slit, reports said. A fourth person escaped by jumping out of a window and...Read more
TBC Today
Question: Why do you not make material that you do not offer anymore available as free ebook download? Are some books superseded by others. I saw on the website " In Defense of the Faith " is not available anymore. Why? Response: It is our goal to keep all of...Read more
TBC Today
Silencing Muslim moderates [Excerpts] Controversial program meets cutting-room floor Doug MacEachern The Arizona Republic Apr. 10, 2007 If Dr. Zuhdi Jasser of Phoenix were a Christian - and he emphatically is not - we might deem him a saint. But Jasser is a Muslim. He believes in his religion as...Read more
TBC Today
So the debate goes on: Is the purpose-driven method simplifying Christianity in exchange for church growth? The founder of the movement says the conflicts and divisions are inevitable costs. "You know, I wouldn't intentionally want to cause pain to any person or to anyone," [Rick] Warren said. "Am I willing...Read more
TBC Today
PhysOrg.com: "Universe offers ’eternal feast,’ cosmologist says" If you didn’t already think the big bang was bunk, then think again: according to a new hypothesis by Stanford physics professor Andrei Linde, the universe may have "emerge[d] from less than a milligram of matter, or perhaps even from literally nothing," reports...Read more
TBC Today
"Some have raised the question of whether we can receive valid information from demons themselves. Demons are portrayed in the Bible as beings who have personalities and intelligence, and as beings who can and do speak. They are also portrayed as deceivers. It must therefore be concluded that they do...Read more
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