March 2008 |

March 2008

Low Birth Rate Kills Economy, Society, New Film Shows [Excerpts] An extended adolescence that celebrates self-gratification at the expense of marriage and family is one of the main causes of the world's self-effacing population decline, according to the new film, "Demographic Winter: The Decline of the Human Family." "Demographic Winter"...Read more
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We’ll take Lincoln Day over Darwin Day…any day [Excerpts] Until the late 1980’s when the generic “President’s Day” became the official holiday that subsumed them, America used to celebrate the birthdays of both George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. As a result, “Darwin Day” has now supplanted Lincoln’s Birthday in the...Read more
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'Earth worship' on the rise among evangelical youth [Excerpts] Janice Crouse, a senior fellow with Concerned Women for America, says it's disturbing that many young people in evangelical churches are experimenting with the Wiccan religion. Church leaders and Christian parents, she warns, must be ready to counter that growing interest...Read more
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[TBC: Having forsaken the sure Word of God and consequently given up the only true solution to humanity’s need, groups such as the National Council of Churches can only parrot the world’s rhetoric: "’Because global climate change will effect [sic] us all, and those in poverty the most, it transcends...Read more
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