July 2008 | thebereancall.org

July 2008

Dear Dave and Staff,Read more


Telegraph.co.uk, 6/13/2008, (Excerpts): George W. Bush and Pope Benedict XVI have held an intimate meeting in Rome as rumours mounted in Italy that the president may follow in Tony Blair's footsteps and convert to Catholicism. The two men spoke for half an hour in the 12th century Tower of St.Read more

news alert

Question: Jesus' healings in Matthew 23-25 appear to be separated into different categories but under one heading, "all sick people." The problems are listed: "divers diseases...torments...those possessed with devils...those which were lunatick, etc. What is "lunatick"? Does it refer to a medical, or mental problem?
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question and answer

Question: What about the popular idea that we must "plead the blood" over a situation or one's home, room by room?

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question and answer

Question: Could you please interpret the meaning of Psalm 102? I was told to read Matthew:5:1-12 and Ecclesiastes 1 and 3. I truly would like to know your thoughts.

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question and answer

Question: I just read about Tony Blair's interfaith movement to end religious conflict. The article says, "The Tony Blair Faith Foundation will fight extremism, organize faith groups against poverty and illness, and educate people worldwide about religions other than their own." Bill Clinton opened the event.Read more

question and answer

Question: Which comes first, the nations starting to come against Israel more aggressively or the reconstruction of the Temple?

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question and answer

Question: A recent article in the Los Angeles Times reported that the May 15, 2008, California Supreme Court's overruling of the ban on same-sex marriages was greeted with joy by the homosexual community as well as by many religious leaders: Read more

question and answer

It is time for us Christians to face up to our responsibility for holiness. Too often we say we are "defeated" by this or that sin. No, we are not defeated; we are simply disobedient! It might be well if we stopped using the terms "victory" and "defeat" to describe our progress in holiness.Read more

Last month we noted that a major part of Paul's ministry was spent in disputing, reasoning, and persuading ( Acts:19:8 And he went into the synagogue, and spake boldly for the space of three months, disputing and persuading the things concerning the kingdom of God. See All... ; Acts:19:26 Moreover...Read more
feature article
