August 2008 |

August 2008

"Porque no me avergüenzo del evangelio, porque es poder de Dios para salvación a todo aquel que cree" (Romanos 1:16). Por varias razones, cristianos de toda clase han tratado de hacer ciertos ajustes al "evangelio de Cristo" como si realmente necesitara algún arreglo. No queremos una alteración mayor, esta gente...Read more
feature article
Rice urges Israel to split Jerusalem [Excerpts] JERUSALEM – Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, completing a visit to the region today, has been pressing Israel to sign a document by the end of the year that would divide Jerusalem by offering the Palestinians a state in Israel 's capital city...Read more
TBC Today
The Dems' ‘soft’ jihadist [Excerpts] On Sunday [August 24], Democratic delegates convening in Denver were prayed over by representatives of various faiths. One stood out: Ingrid Mattson, president of the Islamic Society of North America. [The] Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) has been identified by the Department of Justice...Read more
TBC Today
Oregon citizens denied vote on marriage issue [Excerpts] The Oregon Constitution says voters have the final say over any laws passed by the state legislature. The Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, however, says they don't. After Oregon voters passed a marriage protection amendment declaring marriage to be only the...Read more
TBC Today
Roars About Russia, Bare Whispers About Islam [Excerpts] Amazing how quickly the punditocracy switches maps, time zones and histories, simultaneously mastering new combinations of consonants and vowels, to report and react to a "surprise" conflict in Georgia. It's almost hard to recall that, just a few days ago, the most...Read more
TBC Today
China confiscates Bibles from American Christians [Excerpts] Chinese customs officials confiscated more than 300 Bibles on Sunday from four American Christians who arrived in a southwestern city with plans to distribute them, the group's leader said. The Bibles were taken from the group's checked luggage after they landed at the...Read more
TBC Today
