June 2009 | thebereancall.org

June 2009

Obama Appoints Pro-Gay Activist Who Promotes Pro-Gay Clubs in Public Schools to be 'Safe Schools' Czar [Excerpts] Kevin Jennings, appointed by President Obama to be assistant deputy secretary of education in charge of the Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools, is founder of an organization dedicated to promoting pro-homosexual...Read more
TBC Today
An incredible discovery that shocked the “millions of years” camp is back—with further verification [Excerpts] Ten years ago, anyone--scientist or otherwise--claiming to have discovered soft (i.e., unfossilized) dinosaur tissue would have been ridiculed and dismissed by the scientific community as a quack or a young-earth creationist. Yet within the last...Read more
TBC Today
[TBC: The following excerpt appeared as a commentary on CNN’s website.] A judge in Saudi Arabia has said husbands are allowed to slap their wives if they spend lavishly, a Saudi newspaper reported this past weekend. In one fell swoop, the judge debased Islam , vilified the kingdom and disregarded...Read more
TBC Today
Church gives fresh meaning to 'offering' plate [Excerpts] The pastor of a non-denominational church in Argyle, Texas, passed around the collection plate to his congregants earlier this year -- and asked them to take money from it. Donations at the Cross Timbers Community Church had slumped because of the economic...Read more
TBC Today
"[Osteen] understands the importance of TV and uses the language of contemporary American society - the language of psychotherapy." [Excerpts] Having preached for less than a decade, Osteen, 46, presides over a Houston church in a former basketball arena that draws 40,000 people on Sundays. His televised sermons are seen...Read more
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The ruin of a kingdom is a little thing in God's sight, in comparison with division among a handful of sinners redeemed by the blood of Christ. Robert C. ChapmanRead more
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