July 2009 | thebereancall.org

July 2009

Question: In the archival Q&As that you selected for the April newsletter, I can't believe the lack of Scripture references in your response to those who believe there is a Gospel for the Jews and a "Gospel of Grace," as preached by Paul. Those teaching this have gained quite a following in our area.Read more

question and answer

Question: I heard a pastor/teacher on the radio state that when Joseph refused Potiphar's wife's sexual advance, he was a godly man and honoring God. That makes sense, but he also said that if Joseph had given in to her it would not have been a sin, since this was prior to the Ten Commandments.Read more

question and answer

Question: President Obama has recently stated, "If you actually took the number of Muslim Americans, we'd be one of the largest Muslim countries in the world." He also seems to be apologizing for America's cultural "arrogance" and no longer refers to the "war on terror." Instead, he speaks about the need to learn about IslamRead more

question and answer
Israel es el tema de mayor importancia de la profecía Bíblica ya que es mencionado más de 2,900 veces, casi el doble del nombre de su Mesías. Sin Israel no hubiera un Mesías y tampoco hubiera salvación para nadie, ya sea Judío o Gentil. La primera mención de Su venida...Read more
feature article
Live your best life ever! [Excerpts] Oprah's audience admires her as much for her failings as her successes. In real life, she has almost nothing in common with most of her viewers. She is an unapproachable billionaire with a private jet and homes around the country who hangs out with...Read more
TBC Today
