December 2009 |

December 2009

$130 Million Building Exemplifies Consumerism Not Transformation, says House Church Leader [Excerpts] First Baptist Church of Dallas recently announced plans to build a $130 million church campus with the intention of transforming the city and setting up a "beacon of truth." House church leader Ken Eastburn commented saying the building...Read more
TBC Today
Even Evolution's Priests May Doubt [Excerpts] There's a narrative that should be familiar to most of us by now: a man is considered the great hero of the faith, a sign of hope for every true believer as he advances its claims, but secretly he struggles with his doubts about...Read more
TBC Today
Let all writers have their due esteem, but compare none of them with the Word of God. We will not refuse their service, but we must abhor them as rivals or competitors. It is the sign of a distempered heart that loseth the relish of Scripture excellency. --Richard Baxter (November...Read more
TBC Today
New Dimension in India’s Anti-Christian Violence Feared [Excerpts] After the recent arrests of numerous Hindu terrorists for exploding bombs, authorities increasingly view Hindu rightwing extremists as a threat not only to Muslim and Christian minorities but also to national security. Historically Hindu terrorist groups have traded blows with India’s Muslim...Read more
TBC Today
Civil Discourse Not Tolerated by Darwinist [Excerpts] TBC: Comments from Intelligent Design (ID) writer Clive Hayden: Jason Rosenhouse has written a blog about Michael Ruse and William Dembski. His complaint against Ruse, among other things, is that Ruse is too cordial, too civil with ID supporters, Dembski especially. "And while...Read more
TBC Today
Notwithstanding this evident plan and purpose of a divine redemption which runs through the Scriptures, there are today many professedly Christian writers who treat the Israelitish religion as if it were a purely natural development. They diligently pick out every instance of a superstitious observance, or of a departure from...Read more
TBC Today
The Muslim Brotherhood and Fort Hood [Excerpts] Dave Gaubatz is the first U.S. civilian Federal Agent deployed to Iraq in 2003. He is the owner of DG Counter-terrorism Publishing. He is the co-author (with Paul Sperry) of the new book, Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld that’s Conspiring to Islamize...Read more
TBC Today
Riches and the things that are necessary in life are not evil in themselves. And all of us face cares and troubles in this life. The sin comes in the time and energy we spend in pursuing these things, at the expense of neglecting Christ. --David WilkersonRead more
TBC Today
Climate change: this is the worst scientific scandal of our generation [Excerpts] By Christopher Booker A week after my colleague James Delingpole , on his Telegraph blog, coined the term "Climategate" to describe the scandal revealed by the leaked emails from the University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit, Google...Read more
TBC Today
TBC: A recently published book has perhaps unwittingly highlighted the apostasy of some who count themselves “evangelicals.” The Audacity of Faith: Christian Leaders Reflect on the Election of Barack Obama is touted as a “book [that] dares to walk the fine line of celebrating the historic moment of Obama's election,...Read more
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