February 2010 | thebereancall.org

February 2010

Washington Post, 11.11.09 [Auszüge] : Erzwungene Abtreibungen wie auch unfreiwillige Sterilisationen sind in China etwas Alltägliches. Obgleich die chinesische, kommunistische Partei darauf beharrt, Abtreibungen seien unter der Ein-Kind-Politik des Landes freiwillig, erzählt eine kürzlich aus dem Land geschmuggelte elektronische Dokumentation eine andere Geschichte. Kongressmitglieder der Tom Lantos Menschenrechtskommission hörten einiges...Read more
news alert
Frage : Haben sie im Licht von Josua 21,43-45 und 2 Korinther 1,20 eine Liste von spezifischen, unerfüllten Verheißungen für Israel ... welche entweder beim ursprünglichen Eintritt in das Gelobte Land und / oder von Jesus Christus selbst nicht erfüllt wurden? Es kam mir immer sehr merkwürdig vor, dass der...Read more
question and answer
Besser in bitterster Seelenangst liegen Vor Deinem Thron, Als durch viel Erhöhung ganz hoch emporgehoben zu sein und alleine zu stehen. Doch am besten - der Mangel der mich brach zu Deinen Füßen in stimmlosen Gebet, und warf mein geläutertes Herz, ein Ganzopfer auf Deine Fürsorge. John OxenhamRead more
Erasing Ezekiel's Jewish identity [Excerpts] For centuries Jews, Christians and Muslims came to Al-Kifl, a small town south of Baghdad, to visit the tomb of the Prophet Ezekiel and pray. The distinctive Jewish character of the Al-Kifl shrine, namely the Hebrew inscriptions and the Torah Ark, never bothered the gentile...Read more
TBC Today
China Christians sent to labour camps [Excerpts] Police in northern China have sentenced five Christian church leaders to two years of "education through labour" after they protested against a police raid on their church, a rights group said Wednesday. The punishments came after a Shanxi province court last week sentenced...Read more
TBC Today
Beaten But Unbowed [Excerpts] A recent visitor to Jerusalem , Majed El Shafie, bore witness to [anti-Semitism and the persecution of Christians ] at a reception and press conference held at the Van Leer Institute on December 14. Shafie and his colleagues formally introduced his Toronto-based international human rights organization,...Read more
TBC Today
Heaven and Nature [Excerpts] It’s fitting that James Cameron’s “Avatar” arrived in theaters at Christmastime. Like the holiday season itself, the science fiction epic is a crass embodiment of capitalistic excess wrapped around a deeply felt religious message. It’s at once the blockbuster to end all blockbusters, and the Gospel...Read more
TBC Today
The ways of God's providence direct us into the calling and employment that is ordered for us in this world.To have an honest, lawful employment in which you do not dishonour God is no small mercy.If it is suited also to your genius and strength, this is a double mercy.If...Read more
TBC Today
This is the PDF version of The Berean Call Newsletter. We've had some reports of the newsletter "not looking right" when it opens. Please make sure you have the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader. This is a free download, available at: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.htmlRead more

We've lost the culture war.Read more

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