March 2010 |

March 2010

Playing the Pharisee Card [Excerpts] I have been called a Pharisee more times than I can remember. It goes with the territory. I host a conservative Christian radio talk show. I publicly defend the teachings and practices of the historic Church. I also publicly point out false teaching and practices...Read more
TBC Today
Morocco Rejects Criticism for Expelling Christians Accused of Proselytizing Abandoned Muslim Children [Excerpts] The government of Morocco has launched a public relations effort to fend off criticism about its decision to expel 20 foreign Christian aid workers it accuses of trying to convert Muslims. The expulsion order affected Christians who...Read more
TBC Today
Nothing is more prominently brought forward in the New Testament than the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. -- John Nelson Darby (Anglo-Irish evangelist, and an influential figure among the original Plymouth Brethren).Read more
TBC Today
The Pathology of Jewish Anti-Semitism [Excerpts] Jewish anti-Semitism. It sounds like a contradiction in terms, an oxymoron or a Jackie Mason joke. If only this were the case. Jewish anti-Semitism is all around us, part of the political air we breathe, a modern disease. In the twenty-first century the world...Read more
TBC Today
Attack on Nigerian town kills hundreds [Excerpts] The death toll from weekend violence in central Nigeria climbed to more than 200 Monday after members of a machete-wielding Muslim group attacked mostly Christian villages, officials said. More than 200 were dead and 32 injured, according to Choji Gyang, a religious affairs...Read more
TBC Today
What Darwin Got Wrong: Intelligent Design Proponents Welcome Fodor and Piattelli-Palmarini to the Growing Ranks of Darwin's Critics [Excerpts] Jerry Fodor and Massimo Piatelli-Palmarini are arrving late to the Darwin doubting party, but are welcome attendees none the less. Below are some welcoming remarks from leading scientific voices in the...Read more
TBC Today
[TBC: Recently Mosab Hassan Yousef received news coverage detailing how the son of a Hamas leader converted to Christ. Here is a story done shortly after his conversion.] Son of Hamas Leader Turns Back on Islam and Embraces Christianity [Excerpts] Mosab Hassan Yousef is an extraordinary young man with an...Read more
TBC Today
When we long for life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure. --Peter Marshall (May 27, 1902 – January 26, 1949, was a Scottish-American preacher, and twice served as Chaplain of the United States Senate).Read more
TBC Today
'Mystery worshippers' go online [Excerpts] The help-wanted ad going live this week on Craigslist might raise some eyebrows. If not tempers. "Need people who aren't Christians to review church service," it says. It goes on. "Who: Age 20-35. Do not currently believe Jesus Christ is God. Not mad at Christians...Read more
TBC Today
In Internet Era, an Unwilling Lord for New Age Followers [Excerpts] Raj Patel’s desk sits in a dusty, cement-floored nook in his garage, just beyond a parked gray Prius, near the washer and dryer. They are humble surroundings for a god. “It is absurd to be put in this position,...Read more
TBC Today
