October 2010 | thebereancall.org

October 2010

Question [The following comments were received in response to a TBC update quoting ex-Mormons discussing the false prophet Joseph Smith]: I very much appreciate your ministry. However, the grace you give to prophets and prophecy in the church appears to me to be lacking.Read more

question and answer

Question: Do you think President Barack Obama is a Muslim? I respect your answers to questions.... I just read an article in which the author thinks Obama is a "closet" Muslim.Read more

question and answer

Question: Some Calvinists have argued that 2 Peter:2:12 clearly shows that there are some who are "made to be taken and destroyed." How do you explain this verse?Read more

question and answer

Those who trust in the Lord will never be disappointed. Some who helped us for a while may fall asleep in Jesus, some may grow cold in the service of the Lord, some may be as desirous as ever to help but no longer have the means, and some may have both a willing heart to help and the means but may see it to be the Lord's will to give in another way.Read more


[The following is from the November 1993 issue of The Berean Call.]

"Hear, O Israel:...thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might." (Deuteronomy:6:4,5)Read more

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