January 2011 | thebereancall.org

January 2011

"...men shall be lovers of their own selves..." So . . . what do you think Jesus would say to pop singer Madonna? While former reporter and atheist, now assistant pastor at Willow Creek Community Church Lee Strobel admits he’s "not pretending to have divine revelation from God on what...Read more
TBC Today

This article contains excerpts from Chapter 12 of Dave Hunt's 1990 bestseller, Global Peace and the Rise of Antichrist.Read more

Dave Hunt Classic
This is the PDF version of The Berean Call Newsletter. We've had some reports of the newsletter "not looking right" when it opens. Please make sure you have the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader. This is a free download, available at: http://get.adobe.com/reader/Read more

A review of The Hole in Our Gospel, by Richard Stearns, Pres. of World Vision U.S. --Reviewed by Ron MerrymanRead more

tbc extra

Are You a Man of God?

I know quite a few Christian men who wouldn't think twice about picking up a baseball bat to protect their families from a dangerous intruder who had broken into their homes. Sadly, not too many of them are willing to pick up the Sword of the Spirit to protect their wives and children.Read more

tbc notes

The Washington Post, 11/29/2010: Cancun talks start with a call to the godsRead more

news alert

Question: I'm concerned that my friends who are committed Bible-believing Christians seem to be smitten with Glenn Beck. Other than the problematic fact that he is a convert to Mormonism (which should raise red flags about his wisdom), many are seeing him as someone who will lead this country back to its Christian roots.Read more

question and answer

Question: I recently heard the term "progressive Christian" in conjunction with some controversial speakers, Jim Wallis and Shane Claiborne, at a Lifest Music Festival. I'm not familiar with the term or the controversy surrounding the speakers. What can you tell me?Read more

question and answer

Forcible revolution is not the Bible way to correct social evils. The cause of man's inhumanity lies in his own fallen nature. The gospel attacks the root cause, and offers a new creation in Christ Jesus.Read more

