March 2011 |

March 2011

Islamists wage 'soft jihad' to give students sanitized view of Islam [Excerpts There was plenty of drama at the Homeland Security Committee hearing earlier this month with Rep. Keith Ellison's (D-Minn.) tearful testimony leading media coverage. Ellison, the first Muslim-American to be elected to Congress, was among those Rep. Peter...Read more
TBC Today
Preacher Sells Debt Removal Through Prayer [Excerpts] Peter Popoff has been preaching about God and money for decades. His shows that he pays BET and other cable and TV channels to appear on are non-stop crusades about spirituality and overcoming addictions, but most of all, they're about helping people erase...Read more
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Founder of Creation Museum banned from convention [Excerpts] Ken Ham, the man behind the Creation Museum and the future Ark Encounter amusement park, has been disinvited from a homeschool convention in Cincinnati next week because he made "ungodly, and mean-spirited" comments about another speaker, according to the convention's organizers. Ham...Read more
TBC Today
For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies” ( Matthew:15:19 For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies: See All... ). We cannot too often insist upon it that religion is a matter of the heart...Read more
TBC Today
Islam Defenders Front sets its eyes on underground music [Excerpts] Hot on the heels of its campaign against the dissolution of Ahmadiyah, the hard-line Muslim group Islam Defenders Front (FPI) is now setting its eyes on underground music, which its members believe carry messages that would lead young Muslims astray...Read more
TBC Today
Atrocity Rocks Israel [Excerpts] On [March 11, 2011] at least one terrorist broke into a family’s home in Itamar, a settlement in Samaria (part of the West Bank). The result was that a mother and father, Ruth and Udi Fogel (35 and 36), and three of their six children—two boys,...Read more
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Biblical scholar's date for rapture: May 21, 2011 [Excerpts] Harold Camping lets out a hearty chuckle when he considers the people who believe the world will end in 2012. "That date has not one stitch of biblical authority," Camping says from the Oakland office where he runs Family Radio, an...Read more
TBC Today
[TBC: The Johns family of England are Christians and because they will impart their Christian beliefs to any children they adopt or foster, are considered ineligible to continue as foster parents.] High Court suggests Christian beliefs harmful to children. Fostering by Christians now in doubt [Excerpts] In a landmark judgment,...Read more
TBC Today
Faith has nothing to do with feelings or with impressions, with improbabilities or with outward experiences. If we desire to couple such things with faith, then we are no longer resting on the Word of God, because faith needs nothing of the kind. Faith rests on the naked Word of...Read more
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