July 2011 | thebereancall.org

July 2011

Letting Israel know 'you're not alone' [Excerpts] More than four dozen conservative leaders have signed a published letter to show their support for the nation of Israel and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as he prepares to visit the U.S. The open letter, which says, " Israel : You're not alone...Read more
TBC Today
Es imprescindible que toda persona que siga a Jesucristo entienda que estamos en una guerra. Es una guerra que es espiritual, pero que puede tener consecuencias físicas. Si usted no está al tanto que está en esa clase de guerra, probablemente ya ha sido tomado cautivo. Si usted es un...Read more
feature article
This is the PDF version of The Berean Call Newsletter. We've had some reports of the newsletter "not looking right" when it opens. Please make sure you have the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader. This is a free download, available at: http://get.adobe.com/reader/Read more

An excerpt from Chapter 9 of Beyond Seduction, published in 1987 (currently out of print).Read more

Dave Hunt Classic

"Beam Me IN, Scottie!"

That may not seem like the most spiritual way of announcing an opportunity for your church to have me speak on a Sunday or a weekday evening. Nevertheless, it's a blessing for those of us who love instances for good stewardship.Read more

tbc notes

Dear TBC,
I once read an article [that] reported the findings of a question asked of several prominent conservative, orthodox fundamentalists....The question was: "Other than the Bible, what are the top five books that have had the greatest influence on you?"Read more


Netanyahu Schools CongressRead more

news alert

Question: Many of today's Christian leaders (including my former Pastor), matter of factly state that we live in a "Post-Christian Era." My question is: aren't these leaders conveying a defeatist attitude about Christian values in the United States and other parts of Western Civilization?Read more

question and answer
