May 2012 |

May 2012

Our monthly feature excerpted from Dave Hunt's book of the same title. Is It Wrong to Want Evidence for What One Believes? Question: I was raised from childhood in a particular church and believed everything the priest and my parents taught me when I was young. As I grew older,...Read more
question and answer
Question: I ran across some new information that rings true...about seeming contradictions in the Bible, especially with regard to Paul’s teaching. No, I do not believe that Paul’s words and teaching have been “twisted” over the centuries. Of course, not all of what Paul wrote was untrue (some of my...Read more
question and answer
Question: I have friends who say that if you pass judgment on sin, you will be judged according to the verse: “judge not lest you be judged.” But Paul judged the immoral man in 1 Corinthians 5. How does one correctly interpret Matthew:7:1 Judge not, that ye be not judged...Read more
question and answer
This Is the True God The Maker of the universe, As Man for man was made a curse. The claims of Law which He had made, Unto the uttermost He paid. His holy fingers made the bough, Which grew the thorns that crowned His brow. The nails that pierced His...Read more
