June 2012 | thebereancall.org

June 2012

Frage : Ihr TBC Daily Update über The Hunger Games (4.4.2012) schien an der Sache vorbei zu gehen. Die Absicht von The Hunger Games ist zu zeigen, wozu Menschen in der Lage sind, und die Teenager, die ich kenne, die sie sahen, waren entsetzt und bereit und willens, die Schrecken...Read more
question and answer
Glück wird durch Dinge verursacht, die um mich geschehen, und Umstände werden es beeinträchtigen, aber Freude fließt geradewegs durch Schwierigkeiten; Freude fließt durch das Dunkle; Freude fließt in der Nacht wie auch am Tag; Freude fließt durch alle Verfolgung und Widerstand. Sie ist eine unaufhörliche Fontäne, die im Herzen emporsprudelt;...Read more
The Harbinger [Der Vorbote] ist ein Roman, der sowohl unter Christen wie Nichtchristen immer populärer wird. Er gelangte sogar, während dies geschrieben wurde, an die Spitze der Bestsellerliste der New York Times . Was uns zu seiner Besprechung veranlasst ist, wie bei anderen Büchern, die wir angesprochen haben, die Tatsache,...Read more
feature article
Houston's Most Popular Faiths [Excerpts] Mormons and Muslims may have long been considered minority religions, but in Houston and across the country, their numbers have been booming since 2000. Newly released data show the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and Islamic congregations in the area experienced significant growth...Read more
TBC Today
Atheist Richard Dawkins Supports Bibles in Schools [Excerpts] World-renowned atheist Richard Dawkins says he supports the mission of England's Department for Education to make sure every public school in the nation has a copy of the 1611 translation of the King James Bible. "A native speaker of English who has...Read more
TBC Today
I would like to call attention to the fact that our day is a day which the ruling philosophy is pragmatism….Pragmatism means if it works it's true. If it succeeds it's good. And the test of all practices, all principles, all truth, so called all teaching, is do they work?...Read more
TBC Today
How Islam Killed Greco-Roman Civilization [Excerpts] Many books claim to be groundbreaking, but rather few of them actually are. Emmet Scott’s Mohammed and Charlemagne Revisited falls into [this] category. He shows convincingly that archaeological excavations paint a very clear picture of devastation brought by the Arab conquests throughout the entire...Read more
TBC Today
Societal Whims: Why Same-Sex Marriage Will Become a Protected Right[Excerpts] Much attention has been given to the issue of same-sex marriage recently. Vice President Biden's and Education Secretary Arne Duncan's statements of support are simply the tip of the iceberg. Beyond these high profile endorsements the growing sentiment is that...Read more
TBC Today
Court: Christians can be ordered to violate beliefs [Excerpts] A ruling from Judge Tim L. Garcia in the New Mexico Court of Appeals says states can require Christians to violate their faith in order to do business, affirming a penalty of nearly $7,000 for a photographer who refused to take...Read more
TBC Today
Balancing science , faith: Researchers studying how medical schools help doctors incorporate religious beliefs [Excerpts] After discovering that silence on matters of spirituality left some patients unsatisfied with the care they received at the University of Chicago, two doctors there and four faculty scholars have chosen to examine how some...Read more
TBC Today
